Monday, December 30, 2013


I like things with history and one single ornament that I have on this tree is the oldest one. The ornament was in my wife's collection when we married and I assume came from her parents' decorations.

I was reminded of it yesterday as I saw new larger ornaments at Walmart in which the manufacturer is now duplicating the exact texture of the green acorn. It was a round shape with acorn texture. In one of my ornament history books, it shows that the acorn is one of the earliest produced ornament for Christmas.  It is interesting to me that the companies do duplicate the idea but changed the shape of the ornament to be more natural shaped as you can see with the yellow ornament behind the green one.  I have purchased the acorns in two different sizes in the past years.

This was a gift to us many years ago from distant friends.  The little cherubs on the different letters are all musicians.  I have to wait for the light to be just right or I can't get a good shot of them.  I have snapped a lot of bad pictures of them because of low light.

Barney has always been camera shy.  He doesn't trust the camera pointing at him. He has a flopped ear  that is slowly healing.  He gets summer allergies so badly that he scratched too hard on his left ear causing rupture of the blood vessels.  I am believing that some of these day we are going to see it back up in its regular perky position.  It has improved so much the past two months and the blood vessels are rebuilding. His skin condition is perfect now in the winter and his hair just glows from his skin being healthy.

It is Monday and our neighbor is planning to take us out for a special noon lunch meal.  I think it is prime rib sandwiches.  We don't eat a lot of meat so we will enjoy that.  We know from the past that we will be going to other stores to shop after we eat.  We are always expectant of requests but she doesn't tell us about our adventure until we get on the road.  It will be an good day.  We have a trip to get meds the next couple of days and also flu shots.  Perhaps if we get home soon enough this afternoon we will journey to Perry to take  care of those two things.

We have light snow coming down right now and also it is very cold. The minus numbers vary from time to time but it is too cold.  The wind chill yesterday was almost unbearable and we didn't linger in the out of doors.

Thanks for coming by today.  I have finally finished this blog for the day.  I started it last night and have been interrupted all morning from various things.  Have a good day today.


  1. What a beautiful collection of photos. Barney is so lovely.
    Happy New Year !

  2. Good to see a photo of your Barney! Hope you survive the is miserable. There is a gal I follow up in Winnipeg that collects those antique pinecones...Primative Stars:)

  3. I have enjoyed both Button and Barney's photos today as I catch up on your blogs. What great pets they are!
    I enjoyed the ornament photo/history too.
