Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sculpture in the Yard.......

We have not sat in these chairs for a few years.  They are my sculptures or one could say lawn ornaments.  I do use them in the wetter season and lay them on their sides in the corner of the fence to keep Barney from getting too muddy.  Barney has the grass worn down in the corner of the fence and when wet he just coats himself in mud. We had two warmer days an the snow has melted off of them.  Forty degrees really isn't warm when there is wind.  I was out filling feeders with just a long sleeve shirt, not coat, and I was cold. 

Button has always loved the blue winged back chair.  We moved it around in the living room because of the tree and he has finally accepted its move.  I had moved these dolls over there for some reason so they were all lined up next to the chair keeping Button company.

This is a newer light blue ball that shines nicely on the tree. We only have one of them and I guess we picked it up after Christmas  a few years back.

Here is a quick shot of my mason jar full of shiny brites.  You think I could take a straight photo but it leaned in the photo, meaning I leaned.  I cropped it down until I could get it looking straight with the world.

A quick shot of a rocking horse.  I didn't notice the light in its position or I could have moved it out of the photo. We usually leave our trees up through January, taking them down one at a time spread out in time.  Some take their trees down immediately right after Christmas day but we let our decorations last for a while.

Our temperatures have dropped by 23 degrees. The wind is blowing out of the north and maybe snow on Monday.  It will be a shock to go out into it now after two days of better weather.  We rested all day yesterday from our long day at Chicago.  We will be resting today too but we do have to venture out for Sunday school teaching.  The kids show up so we show up too.  We had a storm last Sunday so we have missed our boys and girls.

Thanks for stopping by today. Take care.


  1. Wonderful Christmas pictures :)

  2. Cute that Button likes that one chair. Harriet has never been able to jump so she has dog beds on the floor of each room. The cats, however, choose a favorite chair/sofa!
    We've had lots of rain and are expecting more. We stay home for new year's too.
    You have some marvelous ornaments and take such great pictures. Thanks for sharing all your Christmas with us.
