Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday's News........

It is a nuthatch.  I never thought I would get a photo of him as he never stands still.  Earlier in winter I would see him walking up and down the main post with ease.  He travels or should I say scampers up and down tree bark with ease in all directions. Gravity doesn't effect him with his walking around upside down.   When I was processing this photo I thought I had a chickadee but once I cropped it and enlarged I was pleased that it was not a chickadee.

On the second level you can see the nuthatch taking off in a hurry.  The female robin at the bottom is picking out the select sunflower seeds and the junco at top just hangs around not being in any hurry to move on except when a flock of sparrows land all over and push him away from the feeder.

We were in Chicago on Friday for a Christmas get together with our oldest and son and his wife. Aj was a little under the weather but he still was Mr. Personality.  We were surprised how much he had grown since the last time we had seen him.  He is a super kid who enjoys so much in all that is going on around him.  He isn't walking yet but he is  scooting all over the floor starting to keep his parents busy keeping him out of things. We had a great time with great food and great conversation. 

When he starts walking he is going to be tall. He had a good time when it came to opening packages. The boxes are good for him.  He did like our blue teddy bear that played music.  He seems to like all the music things that he received for Christmas.

I think he must be reading the directions for his new teddy bear that plays music. He is ten months old now.  We were glad to see the whole family.  We had two dogs that were really happy to see us when we returned.  My wife's brother did some periodic babysitting for them.

We are going to have a warm day today allowing a lot of snow to melt.  Then by tomorrow it will drop in the freezer outside. We have had two warm days but the severe drop will be hard on humans and beast.  Thanks for stopping by today. Enjoy your Saturday.


  1. Your AJ looks like he will be a tall boy! I am glad you got to go to Chicago before the deep is coming here now and we are sending it south! Your Christmas Village is so pretty to look at! :)

  2. Nice to see you all got together! Have a good weekend.

  3. Wow, AJ is tall. What a sweet baby boy.
    Yesterday I found an etsy sight for quilled paper birds....just look at this quilled nuthatch
