Thursday, January 30, 2014

Buy green with green......

I was at a Lowes the other day and I  always check out their clearance shelves of plants.  In most cases the plants need to be tossed.  In some cases the plants are the last two or three of the kind and they want to clear them out.

I haven't had a jade plant for awhile and I was trying to decide if it would survive the cold while I was in the bookstore.  I decided I could as it isn't that fragile of a plant. I double bagged it and left it sitting in the sun in the back seat.

I do really get disgusted with companies that are so big that they can get their small details done correctly.  When they say it is a sale, mark it as a sale and then the scanner charges you full price it is frustrating.  It was a 3 dollar item but for some reason it came to almost 6 dollars.  I didn't notice as I had a bunch of small items that I was buying with it.  I bought some seed for planting......tomato seeds.  I can forgive the three dollar mistake but two signs with the clearance sign and the tag should have mean that it all will work.  I shouldn't have to watch every single item while going through the line like a crotchety old man.  I guess I do unless I want to not actually get the  sale price.   The ceramic planter and the plant is worth the price I paid and I will use it as a container for other plants as the jade plant gets to be too large for the pot that it is in now.

Storage boxes are easy to find in my store room as I kept all of my Dad's old cigar boxes.  I found boxes like these full of important papers and others in which my mom had stored excessive amounts of costume jewelry.  I found them with nuts and bolts and grease items from the shop.  I always liked having the boxes around when I was a kid.  My dad did smoke a lot of cigars so we had lots of boxes to play with and build with as toys.

After all of that I might mention that we use a couple of them to put the small village parts into after Christmas.  We have only two houses left to put away and then finish the small stuff to have all the things cleared out of the dining room.  I do have to  carry all of it upstairs as it is all sitting on the dining room table right now.

I was traded today from a resource room teacher to a history teacher.  Migraine headaches pop up and the teacher has to call in at the last moment leaving the secretary finding people to cover things. I don't like large classes but can handle them so I got the reassignment when I arrived this morning.

We had a light dusting of snow this morning but it wasn't rain and ice.  We are hovering around freezing now and low 20's is the coldest that we are going to be for a few days.  The local stations started a thing on the morning news to share the weather every 10 minutes.  The others now, in trying to be better than the first one to do it, now shares the weather every 5 minutes. It is weather overload but the time I am ready to go to school while trying to listen to news.

I hope we all warm up soon and everyone is keeping safe.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hate when sale items don't ring up the correct price. Target stores are the worst about that here in GA.
    I do like your plant and the planter.
    John recently found a wooden cigar box in a thrift store and is cleaning out his junk drawer and storing small items in it.
    As a kid, I would walk to town and get free cigar boxes from the local drug store. They were perfect for storing paper dolls etc.
    We are warming up a little today and we may venture out.
    Hope the school afternoon goes smoothly for you.

  2. Most of the time I stand there like the grouchy old woman I am. Most of the time I grab the receipt and look it over before exiting the store. I would call and complain:)
