Friday, January 31, 2014

Dreaming of Spring...........

I bought seed packets of roma tomatoes and a steak tomatoes.  The jade plant had excess water in it and I had drained some of it off the pot while at the store. Whoever waters the plants there goes beyond over watering.  So when I got home the seed packages which were in the same sack as the jade plant were soaked with water. The soil was so saturated that more drained out into the sack.  I am hoping that it didn't absorb completely through to the seeds.  I am thinking I will plant them inside late February this year.   I want to put a light on them this time to improve their growth. I am tired of putting out struggling plants as it stretches out the maturity time.

I was reading a blog about how to set up a new planting area.  I think I will try the process of placing newspapers down on the ground and putting soil on top of them to get the weeds and grass destroyed.  My problem this year will be that the frost line is 27 inches down and it will take forever to get soil thawed. I also think that I should have done it in the fall so that the winter would help to kill off everything.  I will probably try it anyway.  This small flower garden really isn't there anymore and I will let it grass over completely.  I usually planted my zinnias in this spot.

My two large pots of agapanthus plants are in the basement keeping warm. When I go down into the basement they are green and healthy with shiny leaves basking under the basement light bulbs. I have decided to plant out one of the pots of plants into the ground this spring and see if I can get them to bloom.  I know they are a southern plant and they grow wild in California.  I will thin out the second one and put half of it into the emptied first pot.  I know someone who would like a start of this plant and we will have to work on that happening.

As you can see my theme today is of things to happen in spring.  I am almost in mental overload of dealing with snow, ice and the very cold temperatures.  I will snap back into reality when I go to get into the car this afternoon after school. 

I am in the resource room again today.  The teacher's husband fell from a ladder outside last Sunday and broke some bone in his back.  He is my age and I am sure healing will take a while.  I bet his wife will be back to school on Monday, once they get him into a rehab home.  I have Saturday off and we will be home as the southern snowstorm is coming our way.  We have food to eat and as long as the electricity is on we will be fine.  The thought of being home all day sounds pretty good even though I did have last Tuesday off. I am suppose to be retired but that is a laugh.

I hope you all are doing well out there.  I know that Georgia is suppose to warm up and I know that Minnesota probably has not had a thawing day yet. The east coast doesn't stay the same for very long hot or cold.  I bet Florida is still warm and Texas is always fluctuating.  Thanks everyone for stopping by today.


  1. Many years ago, we used newspaper in our garden area and it worked very well. That is terrible about the teacher's husband falling off a ladder. We sold/gave away our ladders to keep down the temptation! We got out to lunch yesterday and will go out again briefly today. We usually stay at home all weekend, because traffic is so much worse. We have warmed up to 49 currently. I hope you two will not lose power and that your weekend will be pleasant.

  2. I can just taste a garden tomato after seeing that photo.

  3. Oh, yes, I've been perusing the seed catalogs. My ambition always outstrips what I actuall end up planting...

  4. I love your photos and theme here, Larry! I love Spring!

  5. Those tomatoes look awesome and make me hungry for garden produced ones. I think many people have had success with a newspaper garden. I need a spot for a few tomatoes and some lettuce..but maybe I will put the lettuce in planters. I hope to garden more next summer..maybe. My thoughts are for spring too. You have a good weekend ...stay warm:)
