Friday, January 24, 2014

Finally Friday.........

The sparrows are back eating at my new batch of birdseed.  The woodpeckers still come for the suet but it was too cold the last two days as no one was feeding.  We warm up today to a remarkable high.

While finding things to shoot in the cabinet above the buffet I found this little pitcher.  I guess my mind is taking a break as I don't know who  owned it before me.  I can imagine myself pulling it out of my mom's china cupboard and that probably was where I retrieved it.  I just don't know. I do know that mom worked as a county worker going into homes to help elderly and she would be given gifts once in a while like a dish or pitcher.

When I go to a convenience store to buy milk in our town I expect to buy a large amount. They have beer coolers and have a dedicated room in which you walk into it and can pick out what you want by the case.  Milk on the other hand has been reduced to being only a couple of kinds and if you want nonfat it will be in the gallon size.  The entire time, while that gallon lasted, I would pour our milk into a glass pitcher so I wouldn't have to lug the gallon container back and forth to pour on to cereal. I think it is a nice practice and will continue to do it even if I have only half gallons of milk from regular grocery stores.  In our household we drink very little milk so the last four or five inches of milk is soured before it is used up and we have to replace it. 

You can see the fox painting on the wall in  which I just hung a couple of days ago.  I helped my wife pack it this morning and this afternoon I will ship it the New York.  The person who bought it just clicked on the buy it now button, paid the bill, and never said a word.   Usually a buyer sends a note to verify its availability and sometimes gets a feel of what the artist is like before they say they want to buy it.  This time it was sold over the net during the night, no questions asked  and we needed to ship it fast. My wife sent a note to the buyer and still no response.  When the buy sees this work in person I bet my wife will get a note.

We figure if we keep the shipping time down that the customer might not hesitate to do some more shopping.  One time my wife sold a painting of a fox and by the time the transaction was completed the preson went ahead and bought two more fox paintings.  Three paintings of foxes  in one shipment.  I was happy for my wife as the art business can run in the wave of bulls and bears in the stock market.

 I just keep dishing these things out don't I? This small dish comes from a very nice china set of which I only have this one.  The story of how one dish gets isolated from the set or placed in a garage sale would be interesting.  I know the time my mom took, helped herself to, a blue willow plate from a set of Grandma Burgus' when they were closing down her house.  I suppose in some way that is one way that they get separated.  I do know the blue willow was old but it still was only made in Japan, a replica of the real thing.

Speaking of a replica, I am a study hall teacher replica today.  It will be a long day with only a lunch break.  They book this guy in this positon with a full eight period day, give him lunch, and then pay him very little because it is considered babysitting.  Whatever it really is the class system is well and working in the school systems of the United States. I am still at the bottom of the caste system below all other employees.  I guess visitors, outsiders, can't be trusted or paid much for the job they do as they come in to save the world because someone is sick.

It is to warm up today after these last miserable days of cold.  It is short lived and the colder than cold weather will be back soon.  We are trying to get out to a bookstore sometime soon but we dodge so many things including the weather that we may not make it.  I hope everyone is staying safe and warm among my blogging community.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Good Morning, Congrats to your wife on the sale of her fox painting. It truly is marvelous!

    John and I have the same problem with milk. Most days at WalMart the gallon is as cheap as a half, and we, too, end up throwing out the last of the milk as it sours. Bread should be sold in Half loaves, too!
    That's a very sweet little pitcher. I had ONE pie dish from grandma and then some 20 years later, I saw the pattern on someone's blog and got the pattern name - Virginia Rose. It was wonderful to be able to purchase a few other pieces after finally finding out the name.
    We were at 9* and it is now 27. We have to go to the grocery and I sure dread it. Hope you do get a chance to visit the bookstore this weekend. Take care.

  2. I like your china pieces! And the buyer of the fox will surely be pleased.

  3. Your china pieces are lovely! I pick up an occasional odd plate to take cookies someplace and then never have to worry about the plate getting back to me. A cold wind cam by tonight so look out. Do you heat with LP? Seems there is a shortage up here, we should be good till spring but many people won't be.:(
