Saturday, January 25, 2014

Finding White.........

Tired of dealing with the cold and the white snow I decided to go archive digging to find different white things that are not snow.

This was a bloom on a goosenecked gourd plant.  I didn't succeed in growing the gourds but I did get great photos of the blooms.

A white gazebo that sits on the shore of Bar Harbor, Maine.  This was taken on the day that our youngest son was married. The reception was at a great breakfast at a fancy hotel in the bay.

Two sunfish sailboats having a good time on the water.  The sails of this kind of boat can be purchased in different colors or with stripes. For some reason these two were both white.

White zinnias are great to see.  I plan to buy seed this year and plant mine early this year as I missed out last season of not having any blooms.

This is a watercolor painting of mine that includes white birch trees.  I painted this one summer while in Minnesota.  The good thing is I sold it and it is in California.  The bad thing is I really liked the painted and I wish I still owned it. 

White ceramic puppies are all that is left from a set of five or six dogs.  The pieces belonged to my Grandma and my mom had them for years.  Eventually a brother of mine had an accident with the "what not" shelf and the two larger adult dogs and one or two of the puppies didn't survive.  I am still very happy that I have two of them left.  I believe the adult mother and father dogs had painted on black collars.

My final white archived photo is one of my little helper.  When I work at the dining room table, Button must be nearby. I learned to set him on a chair next to me and he is feels better that he is as close as possible.  Normally he curls up on the chair and takes a nap while I sit at the table.  He sure did need a haircut when the photo was taken. 

We ventured out to the bookstore this morning in 24 degree F weather, full sunshine, and a large amount of wind.  Of course the wind made it miserable.  A blizzard warning has been announced for the county above us and the county to the east of us.  I guess it will stay within the county lines and we won't need to worry.  Sarcasm is everywhere.   This afternoon we have an invite to the neighbor lady's house to share a meal that she has prepared.  I can see a nap in the future later in this day.  Thanks for stopping by today.  


  1. I like all the different "whites" in these photos, Larry. The gourd's blooms are something I've never seen.
    Button is a good little companion. So sweet.
    Glad you were able to get out and I hope you'll enjoy a meal with your neighbor.
    Take care in the cold.
    I'm under the weather today...I accused Karen of giving me what she has had (over the phone) lol

  2. p.s. my memory is non-existent! I meant to say how pretty the birch tree painting is. Great job.

  3. That's a fun photo challenge. All nice photos too.
