Friday, January 17, 2014


The benefits of a squirrel eating corn above another is the squirrel shells corn in a sloppy manner.  They can shell off an ear of corn pretty quickly but kernels do fall rapidly onto the ground and the don't have great control while they are stuffing their cheeks with corn.  This is another one of the photos my wife took a few days ago.  I did get the  new squirrel feeder built but those photos are on the camera right now.

We had a 2 to 3 inch snow yesterday in less than an hour.  It stopped then and the wind is still blowing it around.  It says that Des Moines is 9 degrees but we had 3 degrees on our thermometer.  It is cold out on the prairie. The city of Des Moines received this snow exactly at the same time people were trying to go home.  The interstates were shut down in places as the mess kept being complicated with blinding snow.  I was glad that I was at home. I did venture out into it to retrieve the  neighbor's garbage cans in the alley and to take my container out for garbage pickup for today.

The begonias really like the windows in winter.  It is cool enough that they can stay healthy and their need for light isn't as demanding as other plants. This plant is in its second year now. I didn't get it planted out into the ground or into a planter.  I just set it on the patio and kept it watered.

Because of the blowing snow and the severe cold the school gave us a two hour delay.  It makes the classed be about 27 minutes long and all classes do meet.  I am in the social studies room today teach three classes of 8th graders and five classes of high school students.  It is a screwing schedule as they have to readjust lunch into the shortened schedule day. 

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.  Some of my blogger friends have no snow and others are buried in snow and are freezing in the wild winds.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wonderful pictures of nature :)

  2. Very nice photos. I do love the begonia blooms. Lots of wind here today, temps in the 50. Stay safe and warm and enjoy the weekend.
