Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday.....Where's The Food?

It was like a gift from heaven when an ear of corn just showed up one day.  The first ear to be on the broken down feeder for the whole year.  I do think he is looking up to see when the next ear will fall.  I live in the corn state and I don't like to spend 8 bucks or more for a small bag of corn which we use to pick up off the ground for free after a field was picked.  I did buy a 4 buck bag and was ok with that.  My goal today, right after I finish this blog is to go make a new feeder.  They have chewed up the base and the nail holding the platform has rusted away.  My wife took this shot out of the gallery window.

Can you guess what it is?  I had to take it out of the package and turn it around to see that it is an owl.  The Chinese designers are good about making copies of our traditional ornaments but this guy is not from our culture.  I didn't get a back side view of it but the owl has a tail at the back and he is wearing a scarf tied at the back. He looks more like one of the electronic creatures that Japan or China makes as a remote toy. 

I confess now that it came in this package of 18 ornaments. I had seen them at full price and a lot of the pieces are just like the ones I already have. I don't need any more of these. I had looked for these during all the sales at Wally Mart.  I didn't see them the two times before now but yesterday one was laying among the pile of leftovers.

Seventy five per cent off of everything and most everything was junk.  It's cost was almost free so I picked them up so my kids can throw them away when I am gone.

We are windy again today with 20 degree temps.  The wind makes it miserable to be out there.  I didn't get called in today so I am shuffling around doing odd stuff.  I saw this view and I thought it does give you a taste of the out of doors.  My walk is shoveled and a warm spell melted away some of the snow.  We still have plenty of snow but there are spots where we don't. 

One last shot and this will be it for a year.  I won't, I promise, to carry on about this stuff anymore. I lined up all the snow men to see what they had done in making the set as seen above.  One snowman was a Santa Claus.  I do know when  you look closely at these that the cheap means conveyer belt painting.  I don't look close at them or you can see the parts are painted quickly.  Those who paint them are doing a thankless job as they paint the blue mittens continually all day for a lot of days. I have one small Santa in the set that the person was like a portrait artist. They painted exact detailing of the eyes and eyebrows on it unlike the dots that they painted on these snowmen.  

No birds today at my feeder.  I get what I deserve.  I hadn't put out food for a couple of days as it was too cold and it is getting dark when I would get home from school.  I had one downy a little while ago but even with fresh food out there I have not seen one wild bird at the feeder all morning.  That is repayment from the birds for not staying on the job feeding them.

The sun almost shines but the wind stays strong.  Tonight we are to get down to 7 to 9 degrees F. and tomorrow the wind is predicted to be back into the 50 mph range. Wind chills will be freezing our faces again.  One of my blogger friend fell on the ice the other day and it is tough when you fall.  I had not mentioned earlier that I fell on ice twice in a two  week period.  I didn't have severe injuries but the one wrist is still sore and I do think my rib cage was jolted a lot.  We ran into an employee at the Wally Mart with an arm broken and she told me the day was December 22nd, the same day I first fell.  She fell walking out of a store. With the wind, it adds to distraction walking outside so I am super careful anymore.  I walk around like an old man now just like that in which I am. 

Thanks for stopping by today.



  1. How a sweet squirrel :)

  2. That's a cute shot of the squirrel your wife shared. Glad you did find some ornaments on sale. My brother Larry jokes with his 2 adult children that they can fight over who takes his belongings to the curb when he dies!!!!! I don't imagine his kids will want anything John and I have either!
    Your wind must be horrible to deal with. We try to be careful too. We both fell at our last house and there was not one single step ANY where! It doesn't take much to trip us!

  3. "They can throw them away when I'm gone." That's funny. Cute and at low cost. Why not.
    I thought your owl was some type of robot at first.
    Windy and icky here today. Stay warm.

  4. That is one ugly owl...and green who knew? I laughed out loud about your comment about your kids throwing your "stuff" away. Thanks I needed a laugh...but I can relate.
    The wind was wicked here today. I try to be careful when walking be careful too:)
