Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday's Blurry Day......

This is a view at the old fire station in my wife's village. The glow of the lights in the windows and doors  makes it hard for the camera to decide on a focus.  I take a lot of shots of the village but only a few actually are good shots. It would be neat if they made an engine to set outside of the building.

The secret to showing blurry photos is to keep them small. If anyone clicks on them they will see the blurr.  I like the old Victorian style houses that they make it this series.  Our houses are either gifts or after Christmas sales and they are not from the same companies.  Fortunately they keep them about the same in scale.

A shot that I have to keep small as I just couldn't get a clear shot of it. I guess I need to set up a lighting system that my son and his wife gave me for Christmas. I know I can get good shots with that set of lights.  It will show every spider and speck of dust under those conditions. The barn was picked up at a garage sale a couple of summers ago by the son in Chicago.

I am two people again today.  I am subbing for a guy who has the flu.  The last time I subbed for a teacher who was sick, I caught the same thing.  Today, I am not sitting at his desk nor handling anything from it.  He is coming back in to teach in the afternoon as he has a game to coach tonight in basketball.  I will be a physical education teacher this afternoon.  My wife said that they called it Physical Training, PT, when she was in school.  I don't think our school ever called it that but I am old and I may not remember.

 This is a photo of our son's dog, in Maine, when she was young.  Maine seems to be having tougher weather this year than they normally do in the winter. They were much colder of course but the snow has been greater too.  They live a mile from the ocean and I would have thought that would temper back the climate along the shore.

We have light freezing rain or mist today for most of the day.  We are on the border where we could get snow soon and the freezing moisture will stop.  I used the scrapper on my windshield the am and it was freezing on again by the time I got to school.   It is Friday and I will be showing up for Saturday school tomorrow.  I have had little work so a half day tomorrow isn't going to be too bad.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Love all the details of the village pieces. Your son's dog is so cute and that is a lot of snow! Hope you stay healthy.

  2. Larry, I love these little villages. Thank you so much for sharing. The photo of the dog in Maine...this seriously reminds me of it here in Montreal.
