Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday Stuff........

I finished the frame job of the certificates last week.  It went smoothly as long as I kept the materials handy to do the job.  I had to make another one last trip to get mat board for it as well as a special acid free tape to hold the certificates.  It was grandpa's idea to include the bottom certificate as to how large of a buck that his grandson had shot.  I think one side of the antlers had more than on the other side.

Maybe all walnut is this nice but the wood that the grandfather gave me was full of burl patterns.  The burl is where the branch of a tree grows out of the main tree.  Close to the intersection the patterns are created.

This is the opposite side with a little bit different pattern.  I had to  keep the knot holes on two sides as I didn't want to loose the pattern and it seemed like the natural beauty of the wood should include a knot hole or two.

A week ago I shared the gift that was sent to me.  I had this wonderful close shot of the box and for some reason I couldn't find the picture.  I should have used it as a photo a day shot even if it is a mundane common box it is a modern close shot.  The box though is a good historic piece with its many little Christmas balls.

Sometimes I have to remember that I am being paid for monitoring Saturday school as I do feel like it is myself that was bad.  The bad behaviors of some of the students are dumb and it is easy for them to punish them with a four hour time out in the school library rather than giving them a threat to their well being unless they get their act together.  I see some of my past regulars here got jobs at Walmart on Saturday and they miraculously are behaving now and staying out of the punished zone.

It is warming up to our normal temps of hoovering around the freezing point now.  Our lows at night being only 20's instead of the minus numbers every night is a relief.  Our very old furnace can breathe a sigh of relief as it now can shut down for periods of time during the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. just read the post about the Kessel. Cool bird! We have had Hawks (I'm not sure of the species) come and take a squirrel or rabbit here from time to time. And then there are all of the Eagles here in Wellman. Had a great shot of one on the way to Williamsburg today. A Bald Eagle feeding on a road kill deer. They are an Awesome Bird. Still wondering how you managed to snap such a great set of pics of that Kessel without him noticing you. You must have a great Camera.

  2. Your frame is beautiful! Your client should be very pleased! :)
