Sunday, January 5, 2014


The path to the back yard has stepping stones, bricks really, so the clearing of the walkway isn't a complete clearing. 

In the backyard yesterday I was watching the feeder out the kitchen window when all of a sudden the feeder cleared quickly.  I looked up and this larger bird was trying to fly through all the branches of the trees and was heading toward the feeder and side of the house. It is an American kestrel.

I hurried into the dining room, grabbed the camera and stretched sideways at the big window to see if I could see the bird.  I just barely could see the bird but the camera gave me an image.  The cross pieces of the window made me lean and dance to get the shot. When I went outside to see if it was still there I realized that this pictures shows the bird looking at his reflection in the basement window.

They are a beautiful bird but they do prey on small birds. I was expecting to see a sparrow or junco in its clutches. My son in Arlington Heights said that he had one which was eating a cardinal in his city back yard a couple of weeks ago.  When I looked up the bird in my book it told me that they have a territory of 250 acres. We have experience this bird before in Minnesota along the lake shore of Pokegema.  Their call is an unusual one as it is a hawk and it doesn't sound like any songbird.  They have a couple of calls and one is a little irritating to hear continually all day.  This is the first ever I have seen this hawk in my backyard.

I will keep feeding the birds and the birds will need to keep an eye open.  This female cardinal frequents the feeder more than the male one does. I bought some new suet as the downeys and the red bellied woodpecker had cleaned up the last one completely.

We will venture down for the teaching of our Sunday school only today and then come straight home.  It is clear but very cold today.  The wind hcill will pick up this afternoon and the temperatures will drop more. We are not into the negative temperatures yet but will be by late afternoon.  Going to and from the car is a necessity but one has to park as close as possible. 

We know that Iowa isn't very important but is interesting that the weather people put the sign of severe temperatures on top of us while showing the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Missouri in the deep freeze.  When it hits the northeast it will make real news for sure with pictures.

We heard the siren last night around ten o'clock and see by the news today that someone south of Woodward lost their home in a fire.  It had five small towns there helping to get it out as they had to rotate departments to fight it as it was too cold for them to all stay out in the cold spraying water. We don't know who the house belong to be we will see it and know when we head to Des Moines this morning.

Everyone stay safe and warm and have a good day.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. There seem to be a lot of hawks which look similar. I had one in our garden before Christmas and had other suggestions but it looked much like yours. Our hawk did have a bird and was eating it which it why I got a few fuzzy photos out a window. I've often wondered why birds would all leave the feeders at once. Maybe a hawk overhead.

    Stay warm. We're settled in for really cold weather for a few days.

  2. Hopefully that Kestrel was just passing through! Maybe he is lost! Chimney Fires are bad around here every winter for those that have indoor woodstoves. On the reservation the other day there was a homicide/fire...big news.
    Stay warm..the sun is deceiving today:)

  3. I had not heard of or seen this bird before. I do hope he won't be back. Take care in the cold.
