Monday, January 6, 2014

Not The Hot Seat........

We are very cold again today.  We are much colder actually and no one will be out for a leisurely walk today.  I can't keep track of the wind chill but at -14 degrees F.  it will be beyond cold.  We escaped the snowfall as it landed south of us in Missouri and beyond. Schools were cancelled today and the cold will not really let up until Tuesday mid day.  I guess the wind stops blowing by noon tomorrow.

I bought some on sale bird seed that had cracked corn in it.  The good stuff is causing a squirrel war in the back yard.  They are taking turns sucking in the cracked corn into their jowls. I will give the second squirrel a few minutes to eat and then send a dog out to move him a long.  They are like Tarzans in the trees as they circle the back yard waiting for their opportunity to rush the feeder.

We are house bound today and it is good.  We ventured out yesterday to do our Sunday school classes and then we drove straight back.   It seems safe to be out there if you don't have car trouble and if you park close to the doors.  I know that the vortex of cold is heading east soon if it isn't there already.  I see on tv that New York is have the warm spell we had but they will be feeling it tomorrow.  We are colder than Wisconsin ever will be but we didn't have any NFL game going on in Des Moines yesterday. I can't imagine going to a game in that cold of weather.   I do know that after it gets so cold all cold is the same.

The above ornament is one that missed being shared.  It is on the angel tree and is glass blown.  It also was made in a factory where they had lots of glitter.  I can't imagine what the factory floor looks like we they finish mass producing them.  Thanks for stopping by today.   Take care. 


  1. Nice pictures, Larry. That is a sweet angel ornament. It's hard to handle something with glitter w/o getting it all over your hands/face.

  2. What a sweet squirrel and very charming angel. Greetings

  3. What a sweet angel. We got cracked corn and the birds love it, we put sunflower seeds in the feeder so the squirrel's can't get to it. We do put some sunflower seeds on the ground for them. They are so greedy.

  4. Stay warm..still bitterly cold here. Your bench looks cold and lonely:(
