Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day????

My plastic chairs go through all the changing weather conditions. The thing that is revealed here is the snow is melting.  The thinner amounts of snow under the chairs has melted and more is to go.  With melting snow and thawing comes broken water mains.  We were called earlier than usual in the morning by my summer janitor boss that the water tower was going to be shut down in a few minutes.  So we got up and filled as many containers with water that we could. School then is closed so I didn't have to go to work today.

In really cold weather I keep the blinds cold to keep that cold temp from radiating into the room.  It is the window for the plants but also the birds are in there and I keep them away from cold drafts that the window might cause.  They are moved away from the window in the winter but they do see out anyway when I do have the blinds open. I try to water plants on Mondays to keep me from forgetting to care for them. With the day off I will be sure to get that done this morning.  My furnace system does dry them out so I do check them out often to be sure something doesn't get dried out from the heating of the room.

I should not have transplanted it as it destroyed most of the plant.  I just didn't want the Christmas cactus to be in the cheap plastic container all of its life.

I wish they would sell them in a clay pot but they would have to raise the price ten bucks for that.  So I will enjoy the few blooms that I am getting.  I am watching for another plant at a store when they get marked down to nothing.  I saw some on Saturday but they had not marked them down yet but they will.

It is a novelty plant that  most people don't  like to mess with.  If I had left this one in its plastic container it would be blooming all over today. I took a chance and it failed.

I guess today is the day that I will take down the two little trees.  They don't take long to do. I tend to lay out the boxes and place the small ornaments away a few at a time. I may take a coffee break in the middle of it and just work hard at not working hard.  I end up photographing some of the ornaments as I go along as the camera doesn't like shiny and it won't focus as well on them than it will if the ornament is laying on the table.

The neighbor lady wants to go on an adventure today being we are stuck inside without water.  She always washes clothes on Monday so the day without water will mess her up.  We won't go far and will end up at a Walmart for her.  She likes to get pizza, chicken and even prime rib sandwiches so who knows what will happen.  The water thing is not a bad thing if we can get it to be only one day long.  Sadly I saw a town truck drively slowly up our street as if they were looking for the break.  I hope it doesn't become too difficult for them.  We are thawing again today so that may help with the digging.

Thanks for hanging around today and everyone have a good Monday.


  1. Not having water could be a problem more so in the hot summer time. Hopefully, the problem water main will be fixed by the time this comment is posted, Larry. We still have our small tree up and lit and are enjoying it until the end of this month.

  2. We are having spring weather!!!

  3. Hope you have water at the end of the day! Your Christmas Cactus looks a little sick..perhaps it will come around:)
