Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday's Touching Base..........

Does anyone remember peperomia plants?  When I was in college everyone was busy making glass container gardens.  The peperomia was a must to have a slow growing plant in a glass container.  Back it the 70's the terrariums had lids and the lid kept the moisture in the garden.  If you over watered it the plants would rot.  I picked this up at a building supply store where they were encouraging customers to buy many plants, soil and a glass container to make their mini garden.  I had not seen this plant for so long I thought I would just grow one again and see how big they really do grow.

I did get one of my trees taken down and out of the dining room window yesterday.  It makes watching the birds outside a lot easier.  The other little tree didn't get touched but today I will take it down. Each of these ornaments have hand painting done to create their little character.  Some are painted with great skill and others are ones that have been painted quickly as they send it down the assembly line.

From the 12 days of Christmas song, this is the French hen ornament.  I am able to identify what all the birds are now with the partridge, swan and this ornament. They are flat on the bottom but none of the are able to sit on their own when placed on a table.

As the watermain break was repaired we have a state law that we are to boil our water from the faucet for a couple of days.  The water is to be tested today and maybe we can start drinking the water again.  Yesterday when my friend called and gave us a warning that the water tower was being shut down, we hurried and filled containers.  I was glad that we did as I used it this morning to make coffee.

The school is in session today but students were provided a water bottle to carry around with them all day.  They can't make coffee at school right now so everyone is anxious for the test results to come back from the state lab.

It is good to be back to school today.  I am the band teacher which means I am the study hall keeper all day.  We enjoyed our outing with the neighbor taking her shopping and KFC for lunch.  We were tired from it all afterwards but it was good to get out of the house.

I will close down for now and I appreciate you stopping in today.


  1. I had not thought of these plants from the 70's in a long time. Anxious to see how yours grows.

    That's too bad about the water...I hope the test results come back ok.

    Glad you enjoyed your outing. Hope your school day goes smoothly.

    I love seeing the ornaments. So very pretty!

  2. Yes I remember those Pepperomias, i think there were some with different size of leaves if I remember correctly! It was a very popular plant!

    Hope your water turns out okay for your coffee in the morning:)
