Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Journey........

Don't you just love the special effects.  It actually was snowing this morning while I was out and about on the property.  The apple tree that gave us so many apple pies,  stands strong in the foreground.  I should prune it now but I won't today.  The actual snow is a gentle one and as you can see is a light one with the coating of it on the ground and the tree branches. If the special effects keeps going we should have a foot of snow before long.  Actually we should get about an inch or two and it will be done by afternoon.

This is one of my reality shots with the fallen ladder from the strong winds last week and the wood bench covered with junky wood.  The old wooden wheel barrow stays out as I don't own a garage.  The lawn mower handles stick out from under the lean to roof.  I roll it out so I can get into the door and have to push it back in under the shed roof porch.

The winds of the last few weeks kept me busy retrieving and returning my neighbors garbage containers from my alley.  He is a  young guy and has many containers that roll down the alley anytime the winds blow.  He leaves them out on the curb all of the time instead of returning them to his two car garage.  He can't see them from his house and I do. I become concerned that a rescue truck or city truck would need to go through there and not want to hit them.  It would not be good for the vehicles nor the containers.  When it is 14 degrees out there it means I do it in a hurry. 

The phlox were slow to die down this fall so I have a stand of them in the snow.  They don't look as good as grasses but they do collect snow on the tops and have a good stem color.  The ancient side walk that goes toward the bridge is to the right of them.  I am certain that the walk went to the outhouse when there was one on the property. The only other reason the walk would be there would be for a coal shed.  On my wife's farm they had a fancy walk that went way out to the chicken house and also the outhouse next to it. 

You can see we are not getting much snow as the tops of the post are barely covered.  Barney is brave enough now to cross the bridge but we first got him he would circle around it and not cross it.

Out by the river birch rests the bicycle.  It has become a part of a small flower garden that I plant around it.

I shared this on the my Photo a Day blog today also.  Stewart was out for his walk this morning.  He gets to walk all over town.  I am not sure but I think the owners are walking for their health and he gets to go along.  I was at the other end of town and there he and his owner were walking.  It was a long way from home.

I have the day off today and it is a good thing.  I am not planning much and hope nothing too hard in the way of work shows up.  I shoveled a little bit for Button out on the back yard walks and I put feed out for the birds.  They are just now at late morning discovering there is something there.  I will be watching to see if I can get some new photos. Soup and sandwiches for lunch and maybe some watching of "how to" shows will be nice for the afternoon. It would be a good day to have a hot drink and rest.  I can hear some hot chocolate calling me right now.   Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all are well and staying safe.  See you tomorrow. 


  1. You and Karen both are getting more snow this weekend. That's cute about Barney having to get used to crossing the bridge. You two certainly have a lovely lot and home. I know the birds and Button appreciate you being out in the cold today getting things ready for them. Enjoy the afternoon/evening. Hot coffee while watching HGTV sounds great!

  2. p.s. my short memory made me forget to say that it is lazy of the young fellow not to take his recycle bins back to the garage and let them blow around. You are right, they could present a real problem for rescue vehicles.

    Stuart is a sweet dog. I guess he is bound to be as healthy as his owners, going for these long walks!

  3. I do like your snow photo. This is the month we cut our rose bush's back. Tonight we are to get a mix of high wind, rain and snow.

  4. Hi Larry, I also liked the snow effect and have to ask HOW you did that. I have never used animated special effects and this one looked like so much fun and very realistic as well. The now we received earlier this week is nearly gone due to 50-degree temps today and rain forecast for Sunday thru Tuesday. Kids here won't be happy to get back to school as all were closed for 3-1/2 days last week due to the snow.

  5. Cute snow falling that doesn't accumulate!
    I would collect those container and hold them for ransom..but I am a cranky old woman:)
