Monday, February 24, 2014

AJ is One........

On Sunday, our grandson AJ hit birthday number 1 and it looks like his cake is on his face.  The stories I am hearing is that he has discovered the world and plans to explore it all.  I have seen photos of him getting into the garbage, kitchen drawers, mom's houseplants and the dirty laundry basket.  I did see one where he was on the first step of a stairs and he is almost walking. He helps his friend at daycare who is shorter than him to retrieve things from tall shelves. He is lucky to have a good buddy to be with at daycare and the place says they are always together.

Our monkey choo choo was a successful a purchase.  It of course plays music and also shoots plastic balls out of the smoke stacks while it is being pushed along on the floor.  In the old days there would be a small cord or string in which to pull it along but safety concerns I assume keep them from  making pull-along toys anymore. It is amazing how fast a child does grow and they change so quickly the first  year.  They go from complete dependency to wanting independence as soon as they can walk. 

I am in the at risk, success center, room today. Each student has a need to either receive help or needs to avoid doing an assignment.  It is a juggling act to get cooperation and also to see success.  I see by the weather we will be having a light snow coming down for about 12 hours.  I don't think it amounts to a great amount of snow,  it just comes right before the severe colder cold that will be here for a few more days.  Our refrozen snow has become an ice mess under foot.  The footprints in the snow have become rough areas to walk across and the melting of any of it isn't in the forecast.  I hope everyone is stay safe where ever you live and do be careful.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Photos today were provided by AJ's father who I too remember when he was 1 year old.


  1. Happy Birthday to AJ. He is such a handsome fellow. He really is enjoying the train! Stay safe on the ice.

  2. Happy Birthday to your AJ! Boy that year sure went fast! I hope you will get to visit him soon and spoil him proper:)

  3. Happy birthday, AJ!

    Love the blue gate and the windmill in your previous posts, Larry!

  4. Larry,
    Do be careful while traversing the frozen snow, it’s a treacherous gauntlet most of us seem to be having to deal with at present. Take care, and best wishes to your little grand-sprouts’ first birthday.

  5. Cannot believe that your grandson is already one! I too hope you get some nice weather and can see him very soon.
