Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23rd...........

The squirrels seem to want to hit the bird feeders harder than usual.  I decided to throw out a small ear of corn and they really liked that idea.  They liked it so well that once it got almost eaten, one of the took off with the whole ear of corn.

 A year ago today our grandson was born.  AJ is one year old already.  His card was decorated with the same character as was AJ's father really like when Andy was young 35 years ago.  The card plays the wonderful thing about tiggers is a tigger is a wonderful thing.

I assume there is a party in Chicago today and I won't post any photos of AJ until those get to be shared by his dad.

I assembled a frame job yesterday.  A friend of mine made the walnut frame from a salvaged walnut church pew. He needed my expertise to figure out how to mount the mat and place inside the stretched canvas piece.  It turned out great.

I took the photo to show the friend how I pulled off this frame job.  It takes engineering skills sometimes to frame things for people. The stretched canvas item should never had been matted and the frame should have just gone to the edge of the object.  But we did pull it off both the guy making a wonderful frame and me figuring out the final mounting problem. The customer is always right. 

Hardy geranium buds are now forming on some of my indoor plants.  They must have started budding once the days are getting longer.

It has been a busy three day weekend and it almost is over now.  We are headed into an Arctic route again with highs in single digits coming by mid week.  I guess that we have had snowstorms in March so I don't need to complain.  I do feel aches and pains because of the cold weather and sinus pain is just normal when you go out into this cold. The sun shinning right now makes it balance a little bit.   Thanks for coming by today.  Take care of yourselves.


  1. What a sweet squirrel. It seems that he/she likes to eat

  2. Happy (belated) Birthday wishes to your grandson, AJ, and Feb is a good month for birthdays as I know!
    Around here, the squirrels are not the problem at the feeders, but the grackles and starlings and the only way to avoid them is not to put our any seed.

  3. Our squirrels are becoming big pains in the butt is a full time job for Chance! Sending chilly weather that way..sorry:(
