Thursday, February 20, 2014


Blizzards are always worse when you are out in them.  It doesn't look that bad out there when you view this shot of the out of doors.  We started out in the morning with dark gray skies.  By 9:00 we had thunder and lighting with lots of rain.  We needed the rain.  Then it started to hail medium sized pieces of ice and then it  snowed.  It was the big, heavy, wet snow that makes driving very difficult.  School was out at noon and as I drove home I couldn't get the car to make any turns or even to stop.  The surface was heavily water coated with thick wet snow on top of it.  I would turn to drop off a bill at the phone office and I couldn't get the car to turn when I turned the will.  I would slide with wheels turned and kept on going straight. 

The snow was heavier than this fluffy snow effect.  The snow is so wet that this tall Japanese yew is smashed down from the weight of the snow. 

Looking out my front door you can see the snow plastered to the side of the column and railing.  The  snow now is dropping off of the trees from its weight and the chunks fall on the roof sounding like we are being bombed by branches. You can see all the holes in the snow from the smaller clumps landing on the ground. 

I guess I didn't tell you that I did make it home safely.  In fact I drove to the post office and then home for lunch.  After that I  went out in it again to retrieve some food that the neighbor lady wanted my wife to prepare for her.  She can't run her gas cooking stove as she is on oxygen right now.  I took it back over after clearing the snow from the car for the  third time. I am now home for good and it is still snowing at 5:00.  Looking out it doesn't seem so bad but the wind is now blowing.  It will be interesting to see what that will do as the snow is too wet to blow around.

I am done with the three days of being the sub for Physical Education and Health.  I had class with every high school student sometime everyday during the week.  We have Friday off so  it will be nice to have a three day weekend.   Thanks to you all for checking in today. 


  1. I am really sorry about these dangerous conditions for your area. I'm thankful you are now safely home. God bless you all during the night.
    The photos are very pretty but I know they are deceptive.

  2. You got snow! Your Amaryllis is beautiful! Enjoy your three day weekend! :)
