Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday is Here...........

The snowstorm yesterday left things coated on the north side of everything. The large amount of rain and hail we had before the snow was said to be equal to about 7 more inches of snow if it had been in the form of snow we would have been in a worse mess. I heard that they had shut down I35 north of us all the way to the Minnesota border and opened it up again this morning.   We had a mixture on the ground that is now all frozen in chunks with 16 degree temperatures.  Of course this afternoon we will be up into the low 40's in F. temperatures.

I shared on my Photo a Day blog another shot of this cardinal.  The bird was busy flying down into the juniper shrub and picking off the purple berries to eat.  I hear stories as well as have seen on facebook larger number of robins that are out there.

Barney in position to bark at cats that he can see through the cracks of the fence. I think he has to be pretty bored to have to look through the cracks.  But the dangerous mean cats of the neighbor have been warned.

Our town streets are still iced over and the snow was pushed off of the streets in large frozen chunks.  I do think that the 40 degree temps will soften some of that and make some of it diminish.  No school today so we may go on an adventure.  It will be warmer in the afternoon and the sun is shining.  I guess Saturday is going to be another bad day for us with the vortex striking our state again.  I know all of my blogger connections out there are having various forms of weather.  I hope that we can all look and see robins making their nest very soon.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope you two can get out for a while this afternoon.

    Barney is doing a fine job of keeping those cats away!

  2. Ack! You got snow! The wind blew all day long today..really cold out when I was playing ball with Chance. Your snow is much prettier than mine:)

  3. I have pictures of a rather large flock of Robins in our neighborhood. They have totally cleaned off the crab apple trees in less than a week! I have never seen so many of these spring birds during the snow. They usually do not arrive in Michigan until the spring is well under way.
