Sunday, February 9, 2014

Just Checking In.........

I have a new discovery about this snow animation thing.  When I downloaded my photos into Picasa, which Google now shares and owns only one photo showed up duplicated and animated.  As the snow scene photos sat in storage in Picasa apparently the Google system evaluates the photos and decides to put the effect onto more of the pictures.  One day I had only one animation photo and today I have four photos in the same bunch that are now duplicated with animation added.

A purist of photography probably thinks the effect is a lot like adding plastic flowers to a real bouquet of flowers.  I think that it is making a photo that could be a little bit boring with no center of interest into a lot more interesting visual. It maybe is just plain fun. I don't plan on using it often, or should I say sharing them, but when it makes my Christmas tree sparkle and the snow storm more exciting.  The rest of the year I won't probably get any animation.

I really am thinking Spring as I can't stand the winter anymore.  We did have a very beautiful snow Saturday morning as the fluffy snow covered everything and it didn't seem difficult to move around.  It was a nice snow as the wind didn't blow and unfortunately we are getting use to the stupid cold.  I do though know, that in thirty days things need to start changing. There will be a tree limb mess all over the  yard and dead leaves to clear up as they escaped my rake in the fall.

The water from the snow melting needs to soak in and not run off as we are still living in a drought area. My downstairs bathroom needs to get thawed out some day soon as that shower drain doesn't work with a frozen trap in a crawl space and bailing water out after a shower is getting to be too much.  Above freezing temps will change that in a half of a day.  The idea that the earth is warming up too much is contrasted with the idea that we are always in cycles of weather as history has been proven.  Winter will go away and I hope we can forget it one more time.

Thanks for stopping by and my bad mood will maybe go away tomorrow.  Everyone take care.


  1. I've seen this snow effect on a few of my stored photos. I think it is fun! We have been near 60 this weekend. I do hope all my blog friends will warm up this week.

  2. That's fun and kind of interesting. I wonder how they decide.

  3. I Know! It has been a very bad winter for you guys. I am thinking spring for all of us.

  4. Stupid winter weather anyway..spring can't come soon enough for me. I am getting used to the cold also..sick isn't it..but a matter of survival. I am cranky too..maybe it will be a better week:)

  5. Everyone has an "off" day now and then, Larry, so no need to feel bad about a bad mood. Happens to me too. I liked the snow animation, but didn't quite understand how to get it into a photo and have never tried it myself.
