Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday at School........

The snowman is smiling because he actually can be with some real snow.  The garage sale item was unusual but now it works great out on the porch railing.

I don't hunt nor track animals so I really can't read tracks but I think this is a rabbit.  They hang around under the bird feeder and I bet too the squirrel drops down corn kernels while they are eating. I did see two large rabbits in my back yard a few days ago and they look like they are getting plenty to eat. Their fur is really thick right now with it being so cold.

My bench and bridge in the back yard shows the amount of snow we received a few days ago.  This morning we are having another snow.  It is one of those fluffy snows that builds up  rapidly.  I can slightly brush the snow on the car and it falls off instantly.  We are suppose to get a few inches of the white stuff by noon.  That will clean up everything again with its new white coating. Oh yes, this is a Where's Barney? photograph.

The jug sits on my side porch as decoration.  It came from my parents who have had it for a lot of years.  Friends of my parents, actually they were distant cousins, came to the door at the farm and handed this to my dad for his birthday.  My mom took a picture of it but one of my brothers have the picture.  That had to be back in the late 60's when he received it.  I remember it because June was trying to shock him with such a large jug suggesting it might be full of moonshine.  Dad would have loved that for sure. My dad is smiling with a cigar sticking out of his mouth receiving the jug.

I keep out for everyone to see as I figure sitting in the basement means I am just storing it for my boys to get rid of or take home with them.  Some people say that they, the thieves of the world might steal it.  I decided that it may be valuable but it isn't gold so it gets to be freely displayed. The milk can came from Coin, Iowa and the black painted milk can was bought for a quarter at Shenandoah, Iowa.  That is the birthplace of the Everly Brothers and that is another story another day.

When I was young and in the 60's, antiques at farm sales went for fifty cents to a few dollars. Mom bought two dressers for six dollars apiece. Those were the good old days when June probably picked up that crockery jug for seventy five cents. After graduating from high school and while attending college, the public became aware of the value of antiques and that did increase their value more.  I did buy a complete set of antique dishes in the 70's for six dollars at an auction in Coin, Iowa but later when I wanted to expand the set I had to pay over a dollar a plate. To my shock in the late 70's when moving to Woodward I tried to bid on a very beat up wooden medicine cabinet at my neighbors house.  It was bidding up into the thirty dollar range and I thought that I would not go to auctions anymore.

A new project that I have in the works is replacing the glass on this old photo.  I will probably blog more about it later but it is and interesting photo.  Taken in 1920 the entire school and staff are standing outside the building. Boys with out shoes and kids on the slide having their picture took taken.  I am hoping I have a scrap piece of glass to replace in this as I think I have some scraps from other projects that were that long.

I am in Saturday school and I have the first hour done.  It is a long four hours and I am glad that I can get a lot of blogging done.  The name Saturday school doesn't mean I have to teach unless someone wants help but it means just monitoring behaviors to keep them under control.  The receive the assignment if they don't make up their tardies after school or if they do something bad to merit sitting in the library for four hours.   With the snow coming down so hard this morning I was concerned that they wouldn't show but most of them did.

Visiting a bookstore at ISU today. Also  a stop at Hobby Lobby for supplies is on our agenda this afternoon. We don't go up there much during the school year with a few thousand students but we will venture out today.  I hope all of you are well and staying safe.  We will never be warm again as the Arctic has decided to go on vacation in Minnesota, Iowa and sometimes in Missouri. We don't have a thawing day in sight for a very long time.  Maybe in late March we will feel some heat as the earth must be tilting back into it's summer position.   Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I love the birdhouse on your porch rail. I also enjoyed the story of the big jug. Glad you have these items out for visitors to enjoy and that you share with your blog friends.
    I see Barney patrolling for CATS!
    I have a similar photo of my grandma's school but not nearly as large as this one.
    Hope you two enjoy your outing. I love Hobby Lobby.
    Karen has been indoors all week and might try to at least clean off/crank her car today.
    Stay safe in this cold.

  2. I just looked at our forecast by Tuesday or Wednesday we should be a little warmer so there is hope for you. I like your jug. Seems like auctions are getting out of hand..but If I wanted to sell some of my stuff that way it would go too cheap! I spy Barney:)
