Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Before and Afters..............

Here is a before shot taken about three weeks ago as our last few snowstorms kept things pretty much covered completely.

Here is the after shot of the brown and gray that was under all that snow.  You get to also see the neighbors garbage that is out ready for pick up.  Also you can see the Golden Rule truck in my neighbor's driveway. He works for them so we see the vehicle every day. You can see the small patch of snow still in my driveway.

This was flatter during our heavy snows but this gives you a good before shot of the Japanese Yew.

Here is the after shot of the Japanese Yew that suffered for awhile under all the snow. I think it was glad to get all the moisture that it could.

The squawking bluejay scolded me while I was putting an ear of corn on the squirrel feeder.  By the way he was looking around I am more convinced that he was looking for his mate or looking to find a mate as he kept looking around.

I planted my tomato seeds yesterday.  I didn't have enough soil to fill the whole thing but I didn't need that many plants.  I put in cherry tomatoes, steak tomatoes and roma tomatoes in the starter tray.  I am working on getting them under a plant light but that hasn't happened yet.  8 to 12 days I will see leaves sprouting.

Day 2 of string break.  It is nice to not have an alarm or little dog playing the alarm waking us up so early.  Button is learning to sleep in and that is great. Headed to the big mall today, Jordan Creek, and we will see what fun things we can do down there.  Maybe a movie or a bookstore will be on the agenda.   The sun is finally shining today after an overcast morning.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Always amazing how shrubs spring back up after the snow leaves.
    I hope your tomatoes sprout well!!

  2. Hi Larry, I bet you got some moisture today..it just missed us unless we get some on the tail end tonight. South of us they got LOTS of snow.
    I hope you had a relaxing day shopping!
    We have an alarm clock dog too:)

  3. I am happy to hear you are enjoying spring break. Hope you both enjoyed a visit to the mall. Glad Button is sleeping in. I know he is happy to have both of you at home this week. Our cat Kaboodle is our alarm clock!
    Best wishes with the tomatoes. I get hungry just thinking about them!
