Monday, March 17, 2014


I have always liked the bleeding heart plant but never could keep them alive.  I picked up this blurry looking package a few days ago and will follow the directions as closely as possible.  My mom had one growing in her garden all the years she was on the farm but never moved any of it into town.  I am going to plant mine in a more protected area. 

The zone here in my area borders on two different numbers and I know that southern Iowa is a much warmer zone.The maps that one looks at do vary from one to another.  Some are more specific than others.  My parents farm were in a 5b zone.  In maps that really show detail the map  has our area in borderline 4a and 4b.  For some reason we are near the Des Moines River and it affects our area to sometimes be in the colder 4b zone.  

It is a one photo day for me as I am out of shots to share.  It is a sunny day and I can get out and about to find new things to share for tomorrow.  It is spring break week so we will have a relaxed schedule.  We have a list of things we would like to do but are not on a tight schedule.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. the previous owners of the home we shared with mama had one bleeding heart plant that reappeared every year. It surely was a beauty! The only one I've ever had.

  2. I used to have them, mine died out. I had a white one too very pretty! I am certain yours will do just fine:)
