Thursday, March 20, 2014

Creative Day, Maybe.........

I thought I might do a What is it? day but I am too tired to deal with it.  I will start off with clues as I move into the total picture. 

Did you ever have a machine that was a gyratotor that was made in Newton, Iowa in 1926. Apparently they dropped the word gyratator to agitator instead.  I am assuming before 1926 the washing women used the wash boards.  I had never thought of it before but my house was built in 1904 and it originally didn't have a basement so they had to do their laundry in the kitchen by carrying water in and out of the house.  When a basement was put in under this house, they must have immediately bought a machine and installed electricity.

Here is the total shot that I have also shared on my Photo a Day blog. My mom had a newer model that was of white enameled metal.  It was a single tub one while my wife's family had a double tub machine. One had to put the soapy clothes into clear cool water then run the clothes through the ringer with out getting you hand and arm pulled into the rollers.
A project that I shared a month ago is now being dealt with by me. I have to replace the glass on this old 1920's school photograph.  I scanned it yesterday and I am seeking clues from various cropped parts of the photo.  With photoshop I am pulling smaller shots of people in different levels in life.  I find richer kids with shoes and fancy dresses and others who are barefoot and bib overalls. I haven't had enough time to really get into all that can be discovered.  I did see there is one little girl wearing dark glasses.  I assume she has bad eyesight or is blind as sunglasses were not being sold just anywhere back then.

I will be revisiting this as I have more time to crop and study the different sets of students at the Woodward, Iowa town school.

We were saddened today to see on the news that we lost one of our former Sunday school students. My wife had Justin as a student when he was in his younger grades for a number of years in our Asian-Cambodian Ministry classes.  When he was in 5th grade he moved up to my class and was attending for a couple of years after that.  They moved away for a while so he hadn't been in my class for a year. He was such a sweet gentle person.

Justin Chey made the news locally and nationally because of his family situation.  He was caretaker for an elderly diabetic grandfather and grandmother when not in school. Grandmother had Alzheimer's disease. Justin kept the house running while his mom was at work in the evenings cooking meals for grandparents. He had grown up fast as he was such a little guy when we first met him and he then grew into this man's body by the time he reached 13 years old.  When he was diagnosed with a brain tumor the papers picked up the story and then the local tv. A lot of people came in to help the family and Justin. That is what the news covered. We are so sad that the advancement of cancer that has taken his life too soon. Those in Heaven are so pleased to greet him in and we will miss a young friend.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. How I remember helping my mother in law on Monday wash day with a washer just like that. It was set up on back porch with tubs of water to rinse. (Now you know I am old) lol
    The picture looks like some of my past country kin.
    Sad about the loss of Justin but wonderful he is in heaven now.

  2. That is a great old washer!
    My sympathy on the death of your friend seems like there is lots of cancer out there getting the younger crowd:(

  3. I can recall a Maytag washer being in the basement of my parent's home for years and can still recell the top rollers used to wring water our of the washed clothes.
    How sad to read anout the passing of that young man, Justin. Life does seem unfair at times, and sometimes good folks leave way too soon.
