Friday, March 21, 2014

No Frills Friday........

I was trying to find green outside and I did find a couple of things.  I did realize that our ground is still solidly frozen.  It is said that  we have 30 inches of frost right now in our soil.  That is pretty far down for this time of the year.  The creeping Charlie of course is in a green state so that when it warms up it can take off.  I was given this fountain many years back and it has remained a sculpture rather than a functioning fountain.  The moss is really tough and apparently isn't bothered with any cold temperatures.

While rearranging the storeroom and throwing things away, I found these two birds.  I bought them a number of years ago but they were put away over a Christmas season and they never returned to the living quarters of the house.  I posted them sitting in among my plants on my Photo a Day blog today.  They look like they belong in a tropical setting. 

Throwing things away and moving somethings into new locations means we can walk around in the storeroom more easily.  I have plans for three more items today to get moved out and put into use.  A very old trunk my dad found in an old house is going upstairs spare room to hold quilts.  I may line the old trunk with plastic but I was told not to store quilts in plastic bags.

We have older paintings in storage and I ran across this one that I had done many years ago. I created the artwork on the shores of Lake Superior.  I can see that my horizon leans a little even though that should be a flat line. I definitely needed training to do the sea gulls in oil pastel as they are not great.  It was in 1993 that I had made it. It is done in oil pastel which is a colored oily stick that you rub onto your surface.  It works good but small details like seagulls are hard to do with the material. They also melt in the sun when you set outside along a shoreline.

The location is Gooseberry Falls.  It is a State Park along the north shore where the falls are beautiful. The river flows into the lake.  Many people don't follow the road down to the shore of the lake because the falls really are that wonderful to see.  If you follow the road down you come to a large rocky area on the shore that is high above the lake with chiseled rock formations. It is one of the nicest places to visit and usually is very windy.  The area is such a large rocky  area that there are no trees so it is warm in the sunshine. You can hear waves splashing against the rocks and waterfowl is always hanging around somewhere. 

How do you date the age of cardboard?  I take apart these old frames and find cardboard in various stages of deterioration. This is the framing things of the long school house framing in which I need to replace the glass. The cardboard has strange stripping on it. The photo was taken in the 1920's but I am not sure that it wasn't framed a little later.  The design of the frame seems 60's in shape.  I will never know but I am always curious as to their history.  On frame job I worked with had square nails in it. The picture will hang in the town library once I get it completed.

Friday is the last day of my official spring break.  We both are a little under the weather but we could do something if we could get the energy up to do it.  Not being on a schedule is good but I am a little anxious with blank spaces in my day.  I will do some more to the storeroom today and finish this blog first.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Take care, all of you.


  1. Hello, Sorry to hear you both are not feeling 100%. I enjoyed your artwork and the birds. Many years ago, an older woman shared with us to store quilts in old pillowcases to allow them to "breathe." I have heard that you should roll them as opposed to folding, too.
    Hope you both get to feeling better.

  2. That's a nice painting. You're quite an artist.

  3. Yes old pillow cases work well for quilt storage! Hope you get some rest before going back to school:)
