Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday's Filler Stuff..........

Cardinal wars seem to be going on daily.  I don't know who the victor will be.  I keep seeing brown birds being chased in the air.  They go zipping by and one of them is bright red and the others I assume are females.  The dart by so fast that I can't really be sure.

The oxalis in the house are really one of my first spring blooms along with the hardy geranium plants.

As I look through my archived photos I find work that I never did approach.  The pile of things my mom had saved all those years have lots of great family history in them to be organized.  My Great Uncle Lee and his wife are shown here with their anniversary booklet.  They are gone now but their families live near the Lorimor and Winterset, Iowa area.   That is the location where the book Bridges of Madison was written  and the area was shown in the movie. The area is full of rolling hills with oak trees and many rivers and streams.  The article behind that booklet tells about the town of Hopeville, Iowa.  Unfortunately I have only the front page of the article and not the second page which shared the end of the written piece.

A year ago in the spring, Tiny Tim looked like this.  Now today as he comes to visit for free food, he is a full grown cat. He was sickly back then and has really healed up and is a full normal looking tom cat. He loves to be petted and likes to step inside to great us in the morning before he gets fed for the day.

I am in the high school today being a sub for math.  They are having workday to finish up the past two assignments.  It should help them become even with the grade book by having everything completed.  It is Friday and we will be going to the visitation for our young man who was in our Sunday school classes.  He is Cambodian so the funeral was pushed back so relatives from Cambodia could come the funeral.  There is about 600 in the entire community in Des Moines and the original group came during the Khmer Rouge  when Poi Pot was exterminating their Khmer nation of people. The oldest ones are all the grandparents of the students that we now have in Sunday school.

I thank you for stopping by today.  I hope you have a good day today and a nice weekend.


  1. Such a gorgeous bird. The cardinals are have some kind of singing contest all over the neighborhood where we live. My morning hike with our new dog is enlivened by it fracas....:)

  2. Pretty photo of the cardinal and the oxalis blooms. Happy to hear the cat is doing well.
    You are fortunate to have so much family history info.
    My sympathy in the loss of your Cambodian friend.
    Blessings to you both this weekend.

  3. Ah, A soft spot for the neighborhood cats. Just like me! Only here in Wellman, we also have dogs, horses and even cows that look forward to our little walks though the country. I give them treats as well as pet all the cats that will come to me.
