Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday's Things...........

AJ is growing up and still is keeping that great smile. His parents receive by internet each day three photos of what he has been doing for the day in daycare. Andy forwarded a set of them to us to see what he does on a daily basis.  There are pictures of his sleeping at daycare, eating mashed potatoes and sitting in group listening to a story.

Being family day, I am sharing one of my daughter in laws photos of my youngest son. Aaron lives in Maine and he likes to walk his dogs out in the timbers around the area.  He and Keegan snowshoe in many areas including in Acadia National Park.  The last set of photos I stole from their facebook site was a skiing adventure.

I wanted to share Keegan in a  photo on here but I guess she is always the one taking the photos. Thye do a lot of things in the Bar Harbor area in the summer  hiking, kayaking on the rivers.  and canoe racing.

My inside garden of tomatoes have really grown.  I set them in the sun everyday for a portion of the day.  I placed a plastic clear lid on them but they are starting to grow to tall for the lid.

I am in the special education room today.  It is my first day back since the Friday before spring break.  I enjoy working in this department and will return tomorrow as a high school math teacher. 

My birthday cake was and still is wonderful.  I hope to get photos.  Our meal out at P. F. Changs was wonderful.  I really like the lettuce rolls and their Mongolian beef is the best.  Every place makes it differently but that which we had last night was so good.  It became too cold to be outside while we were out eating but we are Iowans and one has to expect pain from the weather.  We are having light rain today off and on for most of the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Red velvet cake is one of my favs. Glad you both enjoyed your birthday dinner.
    AJ is really a precious boy. What gorgeous eyes and a great smile.
    Lovely to see your son walking the dogs...I've always wanted to visit Maine.
    Best wishes with your plants. Hope you get warmer temps soon.

  2. Belated happy birthday wishes, Larry. We have never eaten at a PF Chang's restaurant, but your meal description sounds like we should one day when we are on a road trip near one. Your grandson is growing up so fast and looks so happy. We also enjoyed our visit to Bar Harbir where yiur son lives, but ours was when there was no snow.

  3. What fun to see what your AJ does at daycare! Your tomatoes will be putting on fruit before long:)
