Sunday, March 30, 2014

Green Alien Stuff........

I welcome the coming of green.  In the back yard the bean pod lays next to the sprouting or reviving of some grass. I get a lot of volunteers starts in my flower garden areas from those bean pods.  The small trees are really nice looking with a great fern-like foiliage but I don't want the grown tree in my yard.

I really have never looked to see if the vinca stays green all winter, but I wouldn't be surprised that it does.  I was trying to take a shot of a new lilac shrub that I had planted and I got distracted seeing the green shiny leaves next to it and never got a shot of the lilac sprouts.

The redtwig dogwood is turning to a deep red this spring.  I didn't get it trimmed back but I warned the bush that it may get a haircut very soon.  It has spread into other areas crowding out iris and peony bushes.

I posted this shot of my house finch peaking around the suet cage.  I didn't think I even had a shot of it but it is kind of a cute shot of it.  On my Photo a Day blog I shared another photo of a cardinal and the little bird shows up in full view in that shot.

It is going to be warm today.  We will go to church to feel the most warmth as it will be 70 degrees down there.  Here in Woodward we won't be that warm as they predict our town to be in the lower 60's.  Every warm day helps to thaw out that ground.  It must be thawing a little as the grass wouldn't be greening.  The grass above is in a protected area so that is why it green while the rest of the ground does still feel frozen on the surface.  The temps should make a dent into it.  I see the people north of us will possibly have a blizzard next week which means we probably still will be cold again and it will probably snow.   Thanks for your visit today.  I hope everyone is well today.  Tomorrow!


  1. Still lots of snow here, but it's warming up and starting to melt - finally!

  2. Nice to see some growth. We are forecast to have warm temps all week. We're still trying to get grass seed to sprout!
