Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday.......Oh My.......

I am working with a long photo of the Woodward School taken in 1920.  I ran across this earlier photo that actually was taken four years earlier.  That means that a large group of these smaller kids are now the older larger  kids in the 1920's photo.  I will need to scan this one and make some comparisons of people.  Oddly enough I was doing Saturday school and saw another, a third one, long photo taken of all the students in 1920 and it was a different photo.  It makes me wonder if they can only print one photo per shot as they are not the same pose of students, kids have been shifted around from one picture compared to the other. I notice that the photos are given numbers as if they are taken in a series at the same time.

Door greaters were standing in attention as I went over the neighbor lady's house on Saturday afternoon.  Penny is the terrier than I have taken care of many times but the new neighbor next dooe was visiting and has this little dog named Princess. Both were so glad to see me and escort me into the house.

Substitute teaching in the morning and substitute associate in the afternoon, that will be my today's task.  We are having thunder and lightening this am and maybe again this afternoon.  It is to be close to 70 degrees this afternoon before the cold front starts to head in again.   Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Love the old pictures of the 1920's I have one of my mother and her class.
    We are getting warmer each day and the flowers are popping up. Some will be in bloom soon.
    Have a good school day!

  2. Interesting. And I loved that vibrant red twigged dogwood photo. They are such a great plant for putting some color in the white landscapes of winter...

  3. Good to see a photo of Penny and her friend, what a great welcoming committee! There is some weird tornado type weather in southern MN today..strange. It is raining here but I am certain it will be snow before long:(
