Saturday, March 22, 2014


We are having the light in the days which makes it look like spring but that is all.  We are cold again and snow will be coming again on Monday.  It isn't abnormal for these spring snows.  I know it just bothers us because the winter was so long and cold. Thirties in temps is better than eleven degrees that we averaged there for a while.

While at the dining room table yesterday I could see the neighbor's white cat on an adventure.  There are a lot of birds in this tree I suppose looking for new seed heads on the branches.  The cat didn't hesitate to crawl right up into it.  I though for a while that bluejays may have a nest up there but I am not sure. This is the same cat that we sitting in the window often in the afternoon.

The higher in the tree she crawled she changed her technique of climbing.  She acted like it was a spiral staircase and walked in circles going up the tree.

This is the first photo that I took before the major climb.  I really didn't expect her to go so far up in the tree.  She sat in the window watching the birds and here you can see her looking around in the other trees at the movement of the birds.

While working in the storeroom I found the rest of my chest of drawers.  I had removed it to carry it upstairs. I am not sure why I had removed it but I removed all drawers and that back part to make it as light as possible.  I had to take a turn at the top of the stairs with a banister in the road.  I guess it made more space for the tv that sits on top of it with it not being attached.  I am going to reattach it.

I use to think that all of these decorations were hand carved on the original wood piece but they aren't what they appear.  The floret at the top was carved directly to the piece but the other parts are carved and sandied separately and then applied.  One can buy these parts, raised decorations, at the better wood stores. I bought one to put on my porch pediment and then just painted it.

The chest of drawers is a piece my mom bought at an auction at Murray, Iowa when I was still in high school.  I had learned to strip paint and stain from furniture by working on a walnut table so she thought it was time to buy some clothes storage for my bedroom.  I think she paid six dollars or less for two different pieces.

I had to do some searching but I did find the photo of the chest of drawers five years back.  I took off the original dark stain finish when it was first bought back in 1965.  I didn't have to do anything to it as it still has the good finish I put on it 49 years ago. It has its original pulls and it does have locks installed on the drawers which seems a strange practice now but back then I assume it was for safekeeping of important things. We have it in our bedroom upstairs where it gets good use. I will share the other piece at another time.  That piece has dovetail joints on its drawers that are really unusual.  No photos available at this time.

Our little Button took the outside stairs and fell this morning, so we are sitting with him right now.  He is a lot better but he must have bruised his back leg as he really cried out in pain for a while.  He is a lot better and is walking on it now. We will just hang around a longer time this morning and may head to the bookstore at Ames, Iowa.  It is next to the Iowa State campus and can be crowded but today they are probably watching basketball tournament play.  ISU actually won again last night but there best player broke an ankle last night.  Their future is in peril.  Button is better so all you animal lovers fear not.  He just doesn't see very well anymore and he we are going to have to guard him more closely when he comes back up the stairs.

Cold is the word for the day.  We will wear winter coats and sweaters again today but it is a sunny day.  Getting close to being the end of spring break.  I hope everyone is well.  Some of my friends are going to have colder weather than usual.  Some are use to it and others, who I call Tropicals, will feel colder than they were ever use to in their location.  I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Raw wind here today, everything in froze outside all the puddles are skating rinks:( I hope Button will be okay and I hope you had a nice afternoon out:)

  2. Very pretty dresser.
    That is a determined cat in the tree!
    Blustery is the word for us--cold with wind. Brrr.
