Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday's Things..........

There are three little boys in which I my wife usually buy books at Christmas time.  I pick up things after Christmas and send them in January.  Christmas is forever and the three like books year round so I don't even try to send them before Christmas.  This  year the after Christmas clearance was basically non seasonal things.  There were a lot of off theme books about things that their parents would not want their kids to read.  So I waited and found Easter books.  The oldest boy is 5 years now so I have to buy books for a young 1 and 3 year old and one more for the older.   The train one is a book loaded with stickers to apply in the book as it is being read. I really haven't looked up when Easter is this year but I will ship them out to Virginia next week.

Just for fun, I shot this of a very small trivet.  I think it was from my parents house and it has a small iron that was with it.  I have shot photos of the iron which is in the toy cabinet.  I need to move this over to match them up again.

I didn't remember buying this.  I don't know how I came to own it.  The Woodward centennial was in 1983 and I must have picked it up then.  I found it in the buffet in the dining room and thought I would try to take a shot it for the challenge of shooting pictures of glass.

My grandmother's pitcher had a great fall.  It has been glued back together.  It is on the throwaway list.  I will do it on a good day when the stuff gets to be too much.  I am disappointed that it lost its ability to hold liquid.  When I feel badly about it I remember the day that I took out three tea pots in one blow.  One was antique and the other two were not. They all fell from a shelf like domino's  as one tea pot acted badly with gravitational pull taking the other two with it.  You had to be there to truly understand the disaster.  I joke about it now.

I will finish with a shot of one of my mourning doves.  I have seen the Eurasian ringed neck doves at the feeder but they didn't stay long enough for a shot.  These mourning doves love the flat top of the feeder but will move to a lower one if the seed is inviting enough to eat.

I am back at school today being two different staff members. I will run from one end to the other this morning but this afternoon I will stay in Middle School study hall.  Spring break is next week and we have no plans.  We will be spontaneous and do what we like to do when there is time off. It will be warm this afternoon when I get off work today.  That will be welcoming as we have fluctuated so much form cold to hot.  Thanks for checking in today.

PS.  I know some are curious about Button and his trip to the doctor.  He is doing as well as a 16 year old dog can do.  He is scared of the place but then warms up to the assistant to the vet,  teaching her that he would rather be held than stand on that shiny metal table. 


  1. I believe Easter is Apr. 20. These are sweet books. I love the illustrations.
    Thanks for the update on Button.
    I hope you both will enjoy Spring break. It will be nice to just do what you want, when you want.
    If you and your wife get a chance, check out the artwork on my Tuesday post called "home."

  2. What a delightful blog you have today.

  3. Good to hear Button is still incharge at the Vets office!
    Your story about the teapots is similar to my mixing bowl saga, they all came off a shelf when the shelf got too heavy and collapsed. I miss those was a set of yellow, green, red and blue nesting.

    Accidents with glass "stuff" happens.
    Melting here today but the wind is cold:)

  4. Glad for your spring break, Larry. Sending the books to the young boys is a very nice thing to do. And as Mildred already noted, Easter is April 20, so you are very timely. Glad to read that Buttons is doing as well as can be expected.

  5. Some great pieces. You have about a month until Easter this year.

  6. Thanks so much for your visit to my blog! I am a little late getting back to visit you, and am sorry! Wow, what a nice blog you have! Love this post! The iron trivet (and iron you speak of that goes with it) is wonderful! What a treasure! I LOVE the pitcher! What a horrible catastrophe, that shelf coming down and breaking it! I hate the thought of you throwing it away. It is still a treasure!

    So you have grandsons in Virginia. We moved here to Tucson to be near our daughter, son-in-law and only grandson! :-) Our move was from Virginia, which is my husband's home. We couldn't stand to be so far from him, and realized they weren't going to move to Va. to be near us. So, we took the plunge! :-)
