Friday, March 14, 2014


The seasons are changing as the sky looks more promising.  We have had some cloudy dull days but we have had some great clearing and it looks bright out there. The birch should be forming bud like shapes soon and drop out its spiral fuzzy things.

I found this in my last years files to show you what they will look like.  They should be visible in the next couple of weeks and they do get fuzzy.

 Most of my hardy geraniums are in long planter pots so they can not be turned.  Their blooms are all facing the glass of the window and I can't freely turn the whole planters around.  This one is in a pot so I can move it around so it isn't so directional faced.

I was first hour study hall keeper in the middle school and the rest of the day I will be in the Espanol room in the high school.   They are researching an imaginary Latin American vacation and have forms to fill out.  All classes are doing the same thing today.  The Spanish teacher is gone for the whole week as he and his wife have a new baby boy.

I am looking forward to spring break.  I don't have specific plans but we will be creative and find things to do that we normally can't do when I am on my 8 to 4 job.  Thanks for stopping by today. Take care.


  1. Wonderful photos! So glad to see that lovely geranium! It was nice to read your profile, and learn you are a former art teacher as well as computer tech, and now substitute teach! I paint, but am far from proficient. I'm about to head over to your painting blog!

  2. Our yard helper from our last home told us those are catkins and that the chickadees love them.

    That is such a pretty color of geranium.

    We have clear skies today but rain is expected over the weekend.

    I do hope you have a great spring break.

  3. Fuzzy things. One of my friends is a biology teacher. He uses all the technical names. I like fuzzy things better and you pictures show them to great advantage...:)

  4. My geraniums inside haven't bloomed yet this winter but they sure are reaching for the sun. Your flowers are beautiful!
