Monday, March 10, 2014

Up and Down the Street.........

Drainage is important for a lot of things but my little town on the prairie has always depended on the ditches to do the job.  The street ditches collect the water and then it heads south, downhill towards a drainage ditch at the edge of town.  I am sure it has always been designed this way ever since the city was set up back in 1883.  The culverts at the road intersections get water running through them all year without problems except when it gets very cold.  Then the culvert doesn't work.  The water you see here is coming from the left of this lake as well as from four blocks up this street where the highest point of the town is. At the top of that hill was a Victorian mansion that had a tower on it.  It is said by the historians that it made it the highest point in Dallas County. 

Behind me where I took this photo is my flooded ditch. The neighbor's driveway has a frozen culvert and the next house over at the intersection of the next street, the culvert also is blocked.  Maybe the 65 degree weather will help to warm up the culverts and the water at least will start to small stream though them.

This is the water running down my north side of my property and this is as close to a Colorado stream that we will ever have unless we have a 6 inch rainfall.

In this photo you can see the backed up water streaming across the road onto the other side of the street.  That goes into a plastic culvert that for some reason is not frozen shut.

As the overflow water goes under the neighbors driveway across the street, it then heads down to the cornfield. It really is more like a mountain stream here than the other photo I posted. That field I believe is to be planted in corn again this spring.

Different tray levels does help keep more animals and birds feeding.  The downy never really cares who is at the feeder and the squirrel is out of sight so the downy continues eating.  Just before this downy started eating there was a small downy at the suet.  I don't think it would have hatched this spring but it must have been really young as it didn't have a red marking on its top.

I was called in late today, 8:45, to cover for an At Risk teacher. I had been called before that.  I got to sleep in as the dog didn't get us up until 7:00.  Just after that I was called the first time for the afternoon half time position for PE.  Anyway I am now the At Risk teacher until 6th hour and then I will switch over to do two health classes and an actual pe class where they will be playing basketball.   Yes we are melting and it is a very good thing.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I actually saw a tiny trickle of water running down our road today - it's starting to melt.

  2. Love the shot with the squirrel and the little woodpecker!

  3. Thanks for showing how things are looking in your neighborhood, Larry. Looks like there will be a lot of water for quite awhile. Hope you don't get more rain or snow.

  4. You are melting for sure, I love the reflections in the puddles:)
