Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday's Stuff.........

A few weeks ago one squirrel sent my weather rock to the ground below from off of the back steps railing.  I had to wait two weeks or so to see it emerge from the snowbank and here it is.  We have melted enough to expose the rock.  I thought I would just pick it up after taking a photo of it and that didn't happen.  I had to kick it with my foot to loosen it as the snowbank didn't want to let it go.

Google and picasa decided it looked sparkly so it gave me a special effects shot of the recovered rock.

I decided to display it frozen side up so that maybe in a few days the rock can get back to work to predict the weather.  You can see in the background where I had shoveled the walk for Button and it is pretty much clear of snow.  My other sidewalks didn't get cleared but I can see the next few days the weather will clear them for me. We have do foot traffic on our sidewalks.  Anyone who walks their do or walks the blocks south to the convenience store walks on the side of the street.  When it clears up and the snow is off they will still walk in the street.

As I mentioned in my Photo a Day blog, the birds are hitting the feeders this morning pretty hard, cleaning up the remaining seed from yesterdays fill.   I have photos from yesterday that shows the nuthatches dive bombing the feeder over and over again. They really don't stay long so a photographer has to just click a lot of shots hoping to get one or two good ones.  We warmed up yesterday to just above freezing but today it doesn't look like we will be that warm.  Tomorrow water will be running down the streets as we hit a warm enough temp to ge good melting.

Had fun at the bookstore yesterday but everyone had the same idea of getting out in good weather.  There was a mob at the bookstore. It felt like attending the State Fair with people close in walking around and tables and chairs in the cafe all filled with people.  We sat by a couple of very young teenaged girls who where there to hang out.  One had her computer with her and the other had her sketch book with her.  They were quiet and were just doing there thing.  I guess they did talk to each other  and went off once in a while to do stuff but they spent almost the entire time with us.

Another lady was there to meet and greet a guy friend.  It did seem to look like a computer match or something as they did talk for long time and it seemed to be dating conversation.  It was good they  had large coffees to drink.  They were still there talking and laughing when we left.  It was good to get out and we stopped to pick up things at the Walmart on our way home.

 A new shot of a blooming violet I just purchased a few weeks ago.  I haven't put it under the flower light yet as the dining room window is plenty of light for it.

We are off to Sunday school this morning and will get a sandwich afterward.  My wife has art supplies that she needs so we will hit Michael's also before coming home.

I haven't been called for work yet today but maybe this afternoon I will get a call.  I had a fun time with 6th graders last Friday and it was a good day.  They have been keeping me away from middle schoolers for a while as they think I will quit if I have to work with them so much.  I have good days more with them than bad ones.  It really does matter that they behave for me and some groups really don't like a substitute teacher making them behave, if you catch my drift.

  Our clear, bright day makes us all feel like we are going to survive.  It won't be extremely warm today but it won't be 2 degrees F. outside like it was a week ago today.  Thanks for hanging around today.

My thermometer is reading 38 degrees F. at 10:30 in the morning. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah the substitute teacher. It can be a tough job. But it opens up eligibility for Sainthood in my humble opinion...:)
