Friday, March 7, 2014

Zoo Review.....

I captured this shot from the live cam on Thursday morning.  They are not always seen together.  I have seen the one make a call and the second one comes in flying to the edge of the nest and it immediately lands.  One of my blogger friends who are watching says there are three eggs.  This shot shows two as the other is being shielded by the the nest.

 I commented yesterday that the bird was surrounded by the snow.  Within an hour later you can see the snow retreating.  It is a warmer day today so there will be less snow.

Here is another shot of the two on the nest.  The one is fluffing straw material and it then takes off leaving the bird on the right to sit on the nest.

I am hoping that this will be the last snow shot from my house for 2014.  It is melting slowly and the promises of above freezing temps the next few days will make some big changes in the amount of snow out there.

We were 34 degrees F this morning when we got up. It is sad but that does feel like a heat wave after all the arctic temperatures we lived through the past month.

I am back in the Science room for the morning.  Giving tests for some classes and enforcing reviewing of material to get ready for testing on Monday.  I will be a special education associate in the afternoon.  No big plans for the weekend.  I do know we need to hit the place that sells art supplies.  I bet a bookstore and good coffee will fit into that schedule and resting some of the time on Saturday. 

Thank goodness it is Friday.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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