Saturday, March 8, 2014

No Hole in my Bucket.......

My bucket sits on the back step revealing the weather conditions.  It has warmed enough to melt some of the snow from the sides of the bucket inside but the glacier is still holding its own because it has not warmed up that much.

My sculptures chairs still don't have all of the snow melted from their seats.  It snowed last night giving us a fresh half inch of white on everything.  It melts but the temps are not warm enough to do serious changes to the snow.

Our son wrote a note on the back of a postcard and sent it to us.  I had never heard of the town before so I had to look it up.  The light house sits in Lubec, Maine.  You can see an island across the waters which is in Canada.  If you follow the coastline from the Bar Harbor area where my son and his wife live and travel north the town sits at the very far northeastern part of Maine.  Lubec is a German name which surprised me but it got that name around the war of 1812. The light house is called West Quoddy Light.  My son says that it is no Split Rock Lighthouse which is in Minnesota but it is a nice lighthouse.

Below is a write up of the area for those who might want to add the info to their little gray cells.

Located on a peninsula overlooking an excellent ice-free harbor, the town was first settled about 1775. Originally part of Eastport, it was set off and incorporated on June 21, 1811, and named for Lübeck, Germany.[5] Following the War of 1812, Lubec was the site of considerable smuggling trade in gypsum, although principal industries remained agriculture and fisheries. By 1859, there was a tannery, three gristmills and nine sawmills; by 1886, there were also two shipyards, three boatbuilders and three sailmakers.[6]

  My son living in a state that I know so little about sure forces me to resarch and broaden my understanding of the area.  The state is diversified with many different national origins as people came to the US to settle and live.

I will close with a captured view from the Decorah Eagles live cam.  This is a front view of the one on the nest.  You can see the snow is melting away from the center of the nest and you can see rocks showing up on the land below.  I have yet to see all three eggs at one time but I do check in once in a while on them if I am near the computer.  It is Saturday and I am not at school today so we will rest up for a trip to the bookstore and be home to rest in the evening.  Light snow overnight and it is just below freezing out there but it is better than 2 degrees F that we had last Sunday. Everyone stay safe and warm.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Glad your temps are warming a bit. Hope you have a lovely time at the bookstore. I enjoy following the progress of the eggs.

  2. p.s. forgot to say what a pretty lighthouse this is. I have always wanted to visit Maine!

  3. I hope you are feeling better today, The town is so much history
    and I enjoyed reading about it.
    I lived in Rhode Island back in the late 1950's and loved to go to the old cemeteries, what history.

  4. We have chairs sort of like that - only the top 6" is showing above the snow!
