Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Buying Summer.......

I bought some summer bulbs yesterday.  I had purchased stargazer bulbs last year and the bloomed the first year so I thought why not take some birthday money and invest into a few more blooming flowers.  Our ground needs to thaw out for a couple of more weeks before I can get them into the ground but I have learned to be patient on these kind of things.  My bleeding heart roots also need to be planted but I would be surprised if they would bloom this year.  They probably have to get their roots established first.

Speaking of buying summer, this is one of my neighbors pot of plastic flowers.  I know that this kind of flower doesn't grow on stems but I at first thought she had purchased some pansy for early spring.

We are having a lot of wind today.  The squirrels tail keeps swinging back and forth as he eats the seed from my feeder.  It didn't seem to bother the squirrel but it was funny to see it blowing back and forth in the wind.

I didn't have to work again today so I am home finishing up projects.  It is good to get caught up on the simplest things.  I would work outside but it is just too cold.  I have leaves and sticks to get picked up out there.  We are still pretty much brown yet.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sure hope your winter is gone this time.

  2. Always fun to add some new things to the garden. Glad you have some time to finish up projects and I hope your weather improves soon.

  3. Your Bleeding Heart may bloom this year.have faith! I enjoy Lilies and it will be fun to see your bloom:)

  4. "Buying Summer," That's a great way to put it. I think I could do with a container of summer bulbs. Hmmmm.
