Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Frequent Feeder.......

He is not tame.  He does like to eat.  He is from the neighbors south of us a few houses down.  We really don't know where he lives but he has a building that has sawdust in it as his tail is usually speckled with sawdust. He reminds me of my parent's Maine coon cat.  He has the same M marking on his head and the same fur.  I don't know if we ever could pet him as the slight motion of anything makes him run.

I just had my camera along on Saturday while going to the neighbor lady's house.  Here is a photo I shot of Princess her visiting dog. I was shooting photos for my blogs as I needed to get something new up on my posts.

Another daycare photo of our grandson AJ exploring a toy crane.  He is wearing the flannel shirt that matches his dad's flannel shirt.

As I sit at the dining room table this morning, no work today, I see red male cardinals swoop past and starlings picking at the suet.  A nuthatch came over and also pecked at the suet but I think it was only interested in seeds.  The neighbors let out their white cat in the mornings and I did she was creeping around hoping to capture a bird. I don't think I mentioned the weather  but we were in the 70's yesterday and this morning when we got up it was 19 degrees F.  It was getting really cold when I walked late afternoon as the windchill was nipping at us and during the night it really dropped.  My son in Maine said that they still had a lot of snow on the ground and that more was coming their way today.

Not being called in for work seems strange but I have lots of things that I can do.  We need to hit the pharmacy this afternoon and pick up a few groceries.  I will be nice to have a laid back day.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. While it wasn't a joke, the unexpected day off sure fell on an ironic day, AprilFools'. Your grandson ia growing up fast, Larry.

  2. That's a beautiful cat. Bless you both for feeding him.
    Your weather sure can change fast. We got so warm today (90) we had to turn on the a/c.
    AJ's plaid shirt is cute as can be. He stays so busy playing!
    That's a great little doggie. How is the neighbor lady getting along now?

  3. You had a day off! Hope you got lots of things accomplished. Yes we sent cold air your way..I heard another storm is in the offing in a few days and they mentions s MN and Iowa. Cold and windy here:(

  4. An unexpected day off can be a treasure chest of possibilities ... sometimes just a plain ol' nap is a gem of great value.
