Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Creative Tuesday........

The lily of the valley has spread to the other side of the fence.  I am glad.  It is growing in the area of the two nice hostas and I think that will work just fine.  I don't think that either will crowd out the other. The days will have to get warmer before we see any little bell shaped flowers on them.

I am posting a different size and shape of this photo from yesterday.  I wanted to share the view of all the leaves from the apple trees with the evergreen tree behind it. It always surprises me how the leaves unfurl overnight.  These rains have been good for the sub moisture in our state and the trees are looking really well watered.

A nursery person was telling my neighbor that a jade plant could bloom.  If we would distress it enough by not watering it that we could see blooms on them.

I find them hard to keep alive as they get too much water from me.  I have to ignore them when I am watering just to be sure that I am not over wetting the soil.  Rotting is not a good thing in the plant world.

It is plastic.  Plastic does not go away easily.  I hope to finally throw this away one day soon as it keeps becoming visible in the soil out in my garden.  My mom had plastic flowers of this type and I am assuming it came home with me when bringing garden containers to my place when I was closing up my parents house.  Mom was always good at putting artificial among her outdoor plants. She had a long planter in front of her picture window that bloomed all year.  I know that it bugs me that this bud never makes  it to my garbage.

I am in the high school science room again today.  I will either be giving tests or be showing movies.  It will be a busy day.   We are wet and will be wet for a long time.  No tornadoes thus far and I hope it stays that way.  We are in watch areas a lot most days but I think we have moved into the spotty showers season where we never see the sun.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I wish I had room for lily of the valley. I remember it as a child in a yard.
    Lovely photo of apple tree and red robin. Your red robin is not the same robin as we have ours is more orange breasted I guess that is why we just call it robin and not red.

  2. Always interesting to see where plants put their roots over the winter so they could creep into new places. I like lily of the valley wandering around a bit. I have it growing by our front door which is wonderful when it blooms.
