Monday, April 28, 2014

The Red Red Robin......Sits Still

While out taking a photos of the tulips that had turned yellow I could hear the clicking sound that the cardinal makes.  I looked up and pointed the camera in the area that it had been sitting but the cardinal flees at the sight of any movement.   Instead I saw off in the distance this fluffed up robin sitting on a branch among the leaf buds of the apple tree.

I know very little about the American robin's behaviors as far as the pairing and who does what to raise their young birds.  After thinking about this robin which was just sitting there for the longest time, I wondered if it wasn't sitting out in the territory of the new nest nearby. He could have been waiting his turn to sit on the nest. He wasn't that far from the nest that is under the shed roof.  I really don't know if they take turns sitting on their nest. I do know that both male and female feed the young ones once they hatch.  The robin is sitting in one of my apple trees and those leaves really did just come out the past two days. 

The chokecherry tree is the very first tree to be completely leafed out.  It is also a tree that has leaves which turn red in the fall and are the last to drop them.  Flowers will be coming soon and then no fruit from those flowers will ever develop.

 To finish with a photo of a little color is this one set of tulips that turned yellow overnight Saturday, during the rain and the wind.

It has been strong winds for us the last few days and it did seem to be a relief to have it quiet this morning.  Saturday night it was blowing so much that you could hear it as you slept, keeping me in a semi-sleep state. Last night it did it again with rain blowing from the east so hard that it sounded like hail was falling.  More rain is coming during the whole week so I have quit watching the weather.

I am a high school English teacher again today.  The lower aged groups who are writing stories. They are having a hard time thinking of ideas for a story even though they have been prepared for a week to  so by reading lots of them.  I know the freshmen could  make up any story in a second if they wanted to lie about a happening. They need to transfer that energy into writing, on purpose,  to write a story. Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all my blogging friends are safe from all the bad storms of last night.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Larry, and it was great to see the flowers blooming in your yard as well as the robins. We had to discourage one from taking pieces of Grenville's hammock presumably for nesting materials. Then there were the finches who tried to nest on top of the outside speaker above the kitchen window. They were also strongly discouraged. It is that time of year for them, but we prefer they use the abundant trees i stead. No damaging storms here, thankfully, but the forecast is for several more days of rain. AJ is quite the adventurous little fellow and the next time you see him will be quite a change as he will be walking even better.
