Monday, April 7, 2014


A photo of a Ford tractor.  I don't know my old that much but I hear some say they are Fordson tractors. My Uncle Marvin farmed a very small farm with this kind of tractor and my neighbor and his kids drove this kind of tractor on our dirt wet muddy roads so we could all get to the bus in the mornings when I was in Kindergarten .

Oh yes the little guy is AJ our grandson and the big guy is A.   AJ took his family or a quick trip to New Mexico.  While there they visited AJ's mom's cousin in Santa Fe who works in a foundry that casts sculptures.  The Chicago weather this year seemed too cold for them so they went south for a while to see cactus and flowering  trees. I think Chicago will be warmed up a bit now as they go back to work today.

While there AJ took his parents to an aquarium I assume in Albuquerque .  He looks puzzled about what he is seeing. 

While there they also visited a National Park with cave dweller ruins.  AJ is glad his dad has long legs and can walk long distances.  I think AJ is almost walking on his own now.

The flowering trees were very pretty while they were down in New Mexico.  Ours won't look like this for another month.  When the ones in our area start to bloom I am going to take hundreds of photos as I will be so glad that winter is done.

The guest photographers were Andy and Patricia today as I am back at school today and didn't get any new shots yesterday.  Rainy days don't make great days for shooting pictures and we are mostly still in our brown state for the season.  I am busy taking notes for middle school students and following them to classes to see all goes well.  In the afternoon I switch to a class that is Spanish.  We will be warmer today.  I hope you all have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. These are wonderful photos of their trip! AJ at the aquarium is my fav shot. Those blooms against the blue sky is very pretty. We have heavy rain today in GA with thunder.

  2. Hi L.D., just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  3. Great photos of your guys! AJ is growing up so fast! I can hardly wait for some of those beautiful blossoms too:)

  4. Nice seeing the latest photos of your grandson, AJ, and son, Andy, as well. Guest photographers are always a food thing.
