Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Seeing Green......some more Green.

I can hardly stand it to watch landscaping companies on TV show their giant hostas in greens and yellow greens. All of their plants in the commercial are shown in full bloom or in full development.  That seems to be to me a season that is so far way.   These tulips do encourage me as they slipped up in just a couple of days.  These cheap tulips usually are my first bloomers in spring.  My neighbor's crocus are doing well right now on the south side of her house. It will happen soon enough I guess.  I see the daffodils that I donated to the school many years ago are all up in bloom.  They were planted on the south side in a very protected warm area of the building so they bloom very early.  I need to bring my camera to school and get some shots.

Still having a hard time finding things to photograph outside I am down to looking at things in cupboards and on the walls.  This is a small pitcher, with no markings that was very difficult to shoot. The glaze is very reflective and the camera doesn't like shine.  The bottom of the pitcher is all glazed gold but it looks the color of the wooden stand.  It is hand painted and was used as the gold rim is worn down.  I have not a clue where I got this item but I suspect it was in my mom's dish cupboard.  One of the people she worked with as a home health person must have given it to her.

This is a silly thing and I may have posted its photo of a few years back.  I bought it at an antique store in Osceola, Iowa before it closed.  I bought a lot of ceramic pieces there as they did remind me of the 50's and 60's time period.  I won't call it smulch art but the item probably was very popular with the customers of the time.  It goes with my donkey and cart and a couple of other planters that I have. I guess that is another one of my collections that will make people wonder about me when I am gone.

I am back in school today teaching high school literature, both British and American Lit.  My present students are reading a ten page story and will need to answer questions about it afterwards.  Today's older child thinks it is too much reading for a 50 minute period. I am going to challenge myself to read it with the next class next period to see how much time it will take to read it.  Technology has fuzzied their brains making them unable to read for any length of time.

I don't know for sure but I think it is going to warm up more each day of the week.  I think Wednesday will be our hot day which will bring up the grass.  We are in a sprinkling mode of weather.  No real hard rains but outburst of light sprinkles off and on and any time of the day.  I looked out after supper last night and the streets were shinning wet.  It was not raining then so it must have given us a little water in a short period of time.

Thank you for stopping in today.  It is Tuesday and seems like Thursday for me,  my body is going to be disappointed that it will take so long to get to the weekend.  Everyone take good care of yourselves.


  1. I have not had luck with tulip's at this home and I like your silly planter.
    Your little grandson is so cute.
    Hope school will be a happy day for you.

  2. We are beginning to see just a little green on the trees now. Yesterday's rain surely will help John's grass seed to come up!
    I love the little cream pitcher and the planter. I love the artwork and illustrations from the 50's/60's. Funny how the school kids complain about reading.

  3. I like the ceramics of the 1950's. I have a few pieces. Your piece is really cute! Look out for warm weather tomorrow!! :)
