Friday, April 25, 2014


Our little grandson is now walking 10-12 steps at a time. You can see him in the video appreciating that he can move around faster to get into things.   He can walk and smile from ear to ear as he walks towards the camera. Little kids this size really do need to develop the leg muscles and balance to really learn how to walk.  They still are so excited when they walk.  AJ's little friend at daycare is a couple of months older and I am sure that helped to get AJ directed towards the need to walk.

 Tomatoes are tough.  I did my repotting into these peat pots.  While at school yesterday the whole batch of plants wilted because the soil had become completely dried out.  I water everything a few minutes later after I saw the destruction from the drought.  By late evening most of them had raised back up but a few looked like I had killed them.  I could pick the wilted one up and it fell like a destroyed weed.

This morning, the moisture finally soaked in and every single plant was up vertically and I couldn't find which ones that were the most sick.  I need to replant them one more time to a larger size now but I haven't made a decision what I should put them in.  I wrongfully threw away the larger plastic pots of old during a week moment a few years back. I guess I had decided that I wouldn't do tomatoes ever again.  A farmer really does need to keep growing things. What was I thinking!!!

Last year's rhubarb looked like this as it was so dry that the creeping Charlie was growing better than the thin stalks  of rhubarb that you see.  I will photograph the crop from this year in another  few weeks

This is an archived photo of my lily of the valley.  I noticed just yesterday that the soil warmed enough to make them shoot up their first shoots. It is amazing to me how these things can grow and bloom so quickly.

High school science is my many teaching assignment, but I did take the first hour social studies students in 7th grade.  It was the high school teachers free period so I was used to cover that one middle school class. They couldn't find enough subs so they will be putting teachers during their free periods into that classroom.  It is good that Friday has arrived.  I am showing movies about Birds in science today and that is fun.   I hope you all have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Karen will love to see your Lily of the Valley blooms!
    AJ is so cute. Yes, he will enjoy walking and being active with his little friend. We have seen a few videos of Ellie walking and her hands/arms are just waving as she toddles along!
    So happy your tomato plants have revived.
    Glad it is Friday and I wish you two a peaceful weekend.

  2. AJ will be running soon! Hard to believe he is walking they grow up so fast!
    Trying to make those tomato plants toughen up by withholding water or what! :)
