Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday's Things....

I took a shot up in the air to get a line design in the sky.  The apple tree could use some pruning.  I would have to get a step ladder to reach it but some of these branches could be eliminated. If I had a lot of time I could hit every branch to refine the harvest.  Last years harvest was great so I am anxious to see how things turn out this  year.

I need to ship another painting of my wife's out to New Zealand today.  This is a partial shot of the calla flower that my wife painted for this nice lady.  The lady had purchased a painting with three lilies in it and she requested my wife to paint a single flower to hang in an arrangement.

Our grandson really liked his new book for Easter.  His dad called my wife to share how he just chatters away and of course he clammed up once he saw the phone.  My wife did say he let out a loud chatter while she was talking to Andy.  The little button does chirpy sounds which is to be pressed at each turn of the pages. I succeeded in getting the Easter books sent out to all the kids so they would arrive a day after Easter.  Better to send than to never send I guess. I forgot to add that my grandson took 10 continuous steps the other day.  He is impressed with himself when he walks across the room.

New England bluebells are such a great flowing plant. I can see that they have buds on them already but the foliage needs to mature more before the little bell shaped flowers open. I remember one set of plants that we had on the farm as a kid and the plant would poke up among the orchard grass and I would pull the grass away to see it each spring.

I am an associate today following a student into many different high school classes.  It is to be my goal to get him to finish up his late assignments so he can bring his grades up to higher than a low grade or non passing grade.  I had Wednesday off but will be working today and tomorrow. I am going to be a high school science teacher tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Good Afternoon. Nice to see such a clear, blue sky. I remember what a good harvest of apples you had last year.
    Don't you know AJ will be hard to keep up with once he starts walking all the time? That is such a cute book.
    I saw your wife's beautiful painting on fb; it is really wonderful and will be look so lovely grouped with the other.
    Hope you two have a good evening.
