Wednesday, April 16, 2014

In the Middle of the Week........

The snow sticks on the tree forever.  It was still on there yesterday as we have not warmed up enough to be off of some of the north sides of things.

Nothing is sprouting up around the trellis as it is too cold. The snow is almost gone but there is still some along the edge of the fence yet today.

My tulips that lay next to the peony bushes are already up.  They are one of cheaper bulbs that I planted so the colors will be great but the flowers are small. I am glad they are up and know the daffodils will be up next.  Also the wild violets should be coming up soon.

I just contradicted myself as these daffodils in this area are now up.  They were covered with leaves and were just peeking through when I planted lily bulbs and my new bleeding heart.

The one section of the honeysuckle is putting out some leaves.  It was only a few small new branches that had leafed out as the rest of the bushes are still dead looking.

It is semi sunny today but it is still cold. The grass is greening now and the I see that the lilacs are budding.   We may make it to spring after all.  I am a high school and middle school social studies teacher today. It has been an interesting day and I am tired.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Ack! It got cold here too and you might have more snow than we do...congrats!! The big storm went south of us:)
