Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014.....

A photo done in pure impressionistic style.  It is from a brochure about the town of Woodward, Iowa.  Nothing is in focus.  It is a large group of people gathered at the train station.  I don't really know why.  I do know the original train station is in view and that was a two story, gabled roof building.  It does not stand anymore. It is gone. Who knows why unless it met a fate of flames.  The building the town uses as a replica depot building,  just for show, is actually a storage building that stood to the back of this building. I do know that in the time to the 1970's, railroad depots were being torn down.  People would buy then and rebuild a storage shed or garage out of the lumber.

The photos that I intended to share today are at home on a thumb drive. I usually get them posted into my picasa account but that didn't happen. My wife's birthday is today and I was distracted making a cake and frosting it, so I forgot the important step of download photos. 

I have a computer mess right now with my setup at home.  My originally old laptop has my photoshop application on it that I use to crop and enhance my photos.  I still can download to the computer but I can't upload to Picasa anymore on that computer. I am not able to update my computer to allow me to get to my storage site.  So I edit all my photos on the old laptop, save them onto a thumb drive.  Then move them to my borrowed school laptop, it is an old one too but I can upload the photos onto picasa.  It is all a pain until I get a new computer purchased.  When I do buy one I will have to install a new version of Elements( photo shop baby) on it for me to continue. 

I am a librarian today.  I have learned how to check in books and check out books on Destiny library program.  I was left directions and I have stumbled through them to get it working.  Usually I just write it all down but the head librarian left directions for substitutes to use.  I was doing great today until I found a book that had not been cataloged in the program.  I just filled out paper work for the guy and sent him on his way.  It is so old of book that if he lost it, it would be doing a favor for the library.    

Cold again today but we will still go out to eat for Della's birthday.  I hope to get away from school as quickly as I can so that we can beat the rush hour.  Weather is suppose to warm up a bit but it is still not real comfortable.  We will go out to eat and them come home for carrot cake.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Birthday to Della! I hope you had a nice night out! :)

  2. Really enjoy the old photo you have been posting Larry. I will often look through collections of old photos in Natique stores, even though I never knew the ohoto subjects. A glimpse back in time is always interesting to me.
    Too bad about those computer problems and seems a newer laptop may be in your future...treat yourself as you deserve it. Belated birthday wishes to your wife and sure she enjoyed the treat you made...better than uploading photos onto your thumb drive (and a wiser idea too) as virthdays onky come 1x a year...celebrate"
