Friday, April 4, 2014

Out in the Shed.........

We had a light snow last night, no blizzard.  When it is cold and the snow is on the ground it is fun to go out to the shed.  It is like a safe haven as I open the door and go into it.  During the summer it is still cool inside when I first open the door. In the winter it is protection from the winds.

The mug was a gift many yeas ago from girl that was in the fifth grade.  It was unexpected but she had decided to share gifts with all of her teachers.  That girl was in my youngest son's class and my son is now 35 years old.  The mug was with my school stuff and most of my school stuff went to the shed awaiting to be sorted out as essential and nonessential before it came into the house.

Those who fallow me know that the chandelier is a cheaper one that my mom bought at Montgomery Ward 40 or more years ago. She hung it in the living room of her house rather than over her dining room table.  I replaced it when I was getting the house ready for sale. I have seen people put them out on a patio with a roof. I have a patio but no roof overhead.

I really have no need to collect mugs.  I have many of them.  When a special occasion comes around I get a new one for a gift.  They are fun.  Snoopy is everybody's friend and he can cheer you up with him joining you for an afternoon coffee. 

Snoopy is always up for an adventure.  The processes that one goes through to get the coffee going and finding the place to enjoy that warm cup of java is all in the way of taking life a little bit easier.  I drink a lot less coffee now but having a cup of warm with you is nice, be it tea or coffee. It adds to the encouragement to relax.  I sometimes don't finish my coffee, I just start the experience, and drink and stay cool rest. 

 Another day off today so I can sit in the dining room and blog.  I am moving some of the violets back into the window and they do like the bright light that they receive all day.  I would think that some of the other violets will start to bloom again with this flush of light and sometimes sunlight.  I am tempted to buy more violets as Walmart keeps putting out full blooming pots of them ta a low price.  I have held fast to not getting anymore as I have too many.  I should start giving away some of the duplicates so I can add new and different varieties to mix.  Their orchids that they have for sale keep tempting me but I don't like how they are caring for them in the store and I think it will effect them when one takes one home.  I think they look abused sitting around in bunches in a cool area off the cold doors of the greenhouse.

We had a light snow and it is cold enough that it will stay around most of the day.  We could have been hit hard like northern Iowa but we were just warm enough to keep the moisture from coming our way.  I have three frame jobs to get assemble today and want to get into the storeroom again today and make a bigger dent on the place.  I have been moved slowly so that I can think through all the things that I want to move into the main living areas. I do a little each time I am in there.  I did move a shelving unit into the art gallery that will hold a lot of books. We have too much furniture so some will be moved to the spare room upstairs. It is Friday and the weekend is coming.  Everyone take care and thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. I hate the way the big boxes take care of their plants...they just don't care. I nearly have to shut my eyes during bedding plant sales..uffda. Good to hear that the snow missed you. Your Violets are have a way with them:)
