Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday's Stuff.........

Marbles are like pennies.  You can clear a house of all of its furniture and throw everything away from the cupboards and one can still find a penny.  I have found pennies while digging in the dirt and of course they are tossed around like trash with kids as if they had  plenty of money.

Marbles are not flat but they behave the same way as being objects that can get lost easily or tossed around.  The marble is different though as its shape allows it to move by gravity's force and pennies don't have that once they land flat. I remember living in the very old house on the farm and playing with my marbles.  I would go to the east end of the room and let them loose on the floor.  They rolled like gangbusters to the west end of the room where I would have to coral them and repeat the fun.

As kids we could drop them and they would bounce and find there own place to hide.  Sometimes they would not be found for years.  I have told the story before about finding seven marbles in the dirt in the crawl space of my parents house.  It was a storage area and apparently a box of a lot of things that also had my old marbles in it. The box rotted away and later as at the age of 60 I find old marbles in the dirt.

I bought another cactus during the Christmas season to add to my original sad looking batch.  I haven't moved it into the pot with the old ones and I don't think I will now.  Apparently the pot my old ones are in is not a good one for this kind of cactus.   I am just going to leave both of them alone for awhile to be sure the roots of the new one are firmly established.  This one has started new blooms so I sure won't be transplanting now.

My begonia is a carryover from summer.  Some winters they do very well in a cool window but this one has not been too showy.  The foliage has been more work than anything as the leaves kept wilting on one side of it.  It is a funny looking plant if seen in full view.

This is another shot of Princess the neighbor dog that I took a few days back.  She has a guard dog look but she is peaceful.

I am in Saturday school today. The sun is shining and it is going to be a long four hours of sitting with students.  Some days I have a lot of energy and can get a lot of things done using the computer those four hours.  I don't feel like it much today.  I don't know if one can get claustrophobic sitting in a library for this long but I think I have done it too many weekends. The staff of the school really don't want to give up a half of a weekend day.  When I don't work 3 of the 5 days, I am ok with it.  The students that I have to sit with are those that have tried to buck the system for so long that it is a part of their personality.  I get tired of being their nanny.

I hope the weather up north and out east has started to straighten out a bit.  I know some of it is normal  but spring is a great time of the year to experience.  I thing my own body will enjoy warmthe and will become stronger from not fighting the elements.   Thanks to you all who stop by here.  There are a lot of you and I appreciate your following. Take care.


  1. I enjoyed the visit with you to day. Here in the upper south spring is well on it's way.

  2. I always love to see marbles. I often tease Karen and Larry that they lost their marbles at the house we grew up in and I found them! I have found a lot of pennies in various homes I've lived in too. My grandpa (where the gift shope is now) had an old garage where he tinkered with old cars. That ground was saturated with spark plugs!
    The cactus looks like it will be nice when it blooms. We are trying to decide if we can hold out to move a few of our most treasured plants with us. We are already very hot here in GA.
    Always a joy to visit with you and your wife. Hope the evening and your Sunday are very enjoyable.

  3. p.s. forgot to say that our cat (Rocky) stands like he is ready to fight!
    She is a cute little doggie.

  4. What a bummer, Larry, to be stuck in a school livrary on a Sat. You said you were acting as a nanny for these kids and so I wondered what exactly they learn by the detention. does it eter them from doing whatever got them there or will they be releat attendees?
    I enjiyed the analogy between the penny and a marble and how yiu found those lost childhood marbles so many years later.

  5. Enjoy the blooming cactus. Your begonia will get happier with more sun each day as will we all.

  6. Try watering that begonia from the bottom up for a while and see if that helps. Looks to me like it hates your might need new soil. Pinch all the bad looking stuff back or cut it out with a scissors:) Bossy Plant Lady is done now. We had grand weather nice to be 50 degrees:)
