Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday's Morning Rain......

New England bluebells continue to grow taller as we receive warmer weather and rain.  I have them spreading out into my yard, more each year. 

I have two forsythia bushes and both of them put out pathetic few amounts of blooms.  This particular shrub is soon to be removed and I will put in a different shrub.  I want to change some fencing in this area next to the dog's backyard and I don't even like the foliage of this shrub at this site anymore.

I walked the dog last night and noticed that I should have mowed the yard yesterday on the east side of my property.  It will be a challenge to do so as it gets so thick in the spring. This side yard shown above will need to be mowed soon also.  We are having strong winds today and have already had a thunderstorm this morning.  It will be a day of spotty rains traveling through the state.  The winds have been strong winds the past two days and maybe when the rains are through the winds will be gone. I have daffodils shooting up near where this photo was taken and also tulips.  I have yet to see any new flowers out but it won't be long.

It is Sunday and we usually take the day at a slower pace. We were out with our neighbor yesterday helping her out with some shopping and it was a warm day.  The winds caused it to feel cooler but it was good to be out.  Today we have Sunday school and we will pick up a sandwich and come home for a quiet afternoon.  We will watch the weather to be sure we don't have to rush home as the dogs don't like storms. Button has lost a lot of his hearing so he doesn't suffer through the thunder like he once did.  I think the next round will come late today so we should be fine.  I thank you again for stopping by today.


  1. Same here with the weather.
    Have a good rest today.

  2. Enjoy your day. We were really warm yesterday but cooler today. No mowing for us yet. We have Bermuda and it hasn't come out from winter yet.

  3. Good Sunday Afternoon. Hope you both are feeling well today. Those bluebells are absolutely beautiful. We have been following the national weather the last few days. We have ominous clouds today. Harriet does not hear/see well any longer and does not get as fearful with thunderstorms. I hope Button and Barney do just fine and that you won't have severe weather.
    God bless your week, you two.
